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Celebration of Life

For more than a week, all eyes were drawn to this gigantic fruit, the Oryms were waiting for Tarath to release the fruit. One early morning, as everyone went to the main plaza to receive the morning blessing of the Oracle, a loud noise was heard. All eyes turned to the fruit, the Oracle stopped their prayers, and there was no more noise to interfere with their concentration. A few seconds later, the fruit separated from Tarath and fell. All the Oryms began to sing and dance when the fruit touched the nets. The celebration of life was about to begin.
— Chapter 3 of The Everglowing Adventure, Trynsys

Tarath and Celebration of Life

This work is extracted from the Book of Social Science, chapter on Oracle

Approximately every five years, Tarath produces a giant fruit that looks like a big orange-red apple. About 3 meters in diameter and weighing more than half a ton, these fruits are, for the Oryms, the symbol of life. Each time a fruit begins to grow, the Oryms prepare to receive it with a giant net. They must then clear away all the buildings that are underneath the fruit. Once the fruit is caught by the net, the net is lowered and the Oryms begin to cut and cook the fruit. After four days of cooking, the celebration of life can finally begin. All Oryms have the opportunity to eat the fruit of Tarath in different forms: salty, sweet, compote, pie, fruit salad, etc. Once everyone has eaten the fruit, the Oryms begin a meditation to enter into communion with Tarath. This ritual allows everyone to receive advice from Tarath but also allows Tarath to choose his new Oracle. The Choosing Day takes place 15 days after the end of the festival of life.

Tarath Clafoutis

  • 600 g Tarath's Fruit
  • 150 g sugar
  • 150 g flour
  • 1/2 bag of yeast
  • 1 L milk
  • 6 eggs
  1. Cut the fruit into very thin slices.
  2. Arrange them in a buttered and floured baking dish.
  3. Beat the eggs and mix them with the flour and the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Pour the mixture over the apples and place in the oven at 175°C (th 5-6) for 1 h.

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Cover image: by Anastasia Romanova


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