Elen Settlement in The Everglowing Forest | World Anvil
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We've been through the spirit gate for fourteen days now and we've only encountered small rodents, no humanoids or predators. Lozmot was getting impatient, he needed to strike at something. He raised his axe and knocked with all his power on the closest tree. In a few seconds we were surrounded by fifteen blue elves, each one more heavily armed than the other. Telrael tried to talk to them using every Elven language he knew, but none seemed to be theirs. After disarming us and binding our hands, they escorted us for more than two days. We finally arrived in a city built around a huge magnificent oak tree. Numerous wooden cabins were placed all around the tree, they were all illuminated by turquoise firefly lanterns. As we got closer to the tree, we heard elves singing and dancing, smelled the scent of fruit and witnessed a fireworks show. This arrival remains the most memorable experience I have of this city even after more than ten years.
— Chapter 1 of The Everglowing Adventure, Trynsys

Founding of Elen and its Restoration

This work is extracted from the Book of Social Science, chapter on Elen

More than 1500 years ago, four Ents settled near the giant tree of the forest. They named the tree Tarath (meaning the great majesty), and the city Elen (meaning the city that watches over [the tree]), which soon became the capital of the Ents in the everglowing forest. Tarath served as a catalyst for the magic of the Ents through the heart of fire. This magical tree allowed the Ents to thrive in the forest for over a thousand years.   Around 100 years before our era, the spirits appeared in the forest and attacked all the cities of the Ents, Elen was the center of the battle against the spirits. In the year 12 B.C., the spirits retreated, the ents thought they had won the war but the heart of fire had disappeared. Before leaving to retrieve the heart, the king, Oakenlimb, planted a branch at the foot of Tarath. It was from this branch that the Oryms were born 15 years later. When the Orym came into this world it was to protect Tarath from outsiders. At that time, Tarath had lost its heart for decades and Elen was only ruins. They had to rebuilt Elen and made a temporary heart for Tarath to live until the heart of fire will return.   Today Elen is still the capital of the forest but its residents have changed, they are no longer Ents but Oryms who are desperately waiting for the return of the Ents with a heart of fire.
Founding Date
Around 2 000 years ago
Alternative Name(s)
The city that watches over the tree
~35 000 Oryms

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Cover image: by Anastasia Romanova


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