The elysium archipelago The First Beach Episode

The First Beach Episode

Cultural event


Spider-Gwen hosts a beach party and volleyball tournament on Poseidon's Crest.

Weeks after The Absolution and most of Apollo City's restoration, local superhero Spider-Gwen kicked off a summer beach event to both lift the spirits of the people and show solidarity in difficult times. The event soon became a buzz that lasted from sunrise to sunset, bringing such people as the Grill Dad Emeric, Mayor Katrina Masters and, surprisingly, Nether Beast Eliza Masters. While there were some who saw this as an event to relax, Eliza's appearance disturbed several guests, more specifically the mayor. This friction and battle of words ultimately led to an impromptu volleyball tourneament with Eliza and Chevalier Sakuya facing off against the gun-slinging knight Anna and Mayor Masters.   It didn't take long for the normal volleyball gamer to turn into a heated battle of metahuman capabilities, testing both teams' endurance and strength in what could have been an all-out brawl. Although Eliza's team technically gained the victory, the losers of the tournament, who agreed to strip naked for the remainder of the beach party, had gained a victory too. Even with the heated words exchanged between Eliza and Katrina, there was still a semblance of familial bond there, some of it possibly incestual in nature.    From the new Hylian mute, Link, catching massive tuna from the sea to the appearance of Special Agent Faden exploring the oddities of this island chain for the first time, there was a great deal of order and chaos to make it an event not many will soon forget. Gwen, on the other hand, had gotten white girl wasted and may have issue remembering the specifics.

Related Location
Apollo City
Related timelines & articles
The Elysium Archipelago