Revered Mother Rank/Title in The Eight-sided Library | World Anvil
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Revered Mother

Each clan of the Dras is led by a matriarch, the most wise and capable of the adult women. The one who guides all the clans is Revered Mother.   She may be called from any of the Mamia clans and upon accepting the assignment she makes clear that her life until death is in service to the clans. Only when she can no longer provide the needed guidance will another take her place.   Some younger women, less wise, may aspire to become the Revered Mother when they are older, thinking of it merely as a position of power and authority and honor. These foolish females do not recognize that no one who wants the position is ever likely to achieve it. The responsibility is too great, and the consequences that could result from poor decisions too ruinous to allow a person with such a goal to ascend to the office.


Decades of leadership and service to an individual clan. Knowledge of the other clans, their people and their matriarchs. A strong inward commitment to the welfare of all the people, which includes the willingness to make decisions not necessarily liked by her own clan.


Traditionally, it is the most senior of the clan Matriarchs who transition to this role upon the incapacity or death of the current Revered Mother. It is not an absolute as the Matriarchs counsel together on what is best for the entirety of the Dras  It may be that a younger matriarch will assume the role, to provide more years of service.


The Revered Mother is chosen by the voice of all the Matriarchs after counseling with other wise men and women within their clans. She must be adopted into each clan, and must consider them as her own. She is now Mother to all.


Leads and guides and walks beside the Dras. She is their leader in things temporal and spiritual. She counsels with the clan Matriarchs and others and makes those decisions which apply to every clan. She helps teach and train the clan Mothers and helps them learn the wider perspective needed to lead well.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Severe illness or advanced old age, or death are the most common ways the Revered Mother is removed from service.
Alternative Naming
Old Mother, Wise One
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