Silk Snow Tradition / Ritual in The Eight Aspects of Syoll | World Anvil
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Silk Snow

The Silk Snow is the annual phenomenon in Colliennach, which occurs in the first week of Lifleges. During this week, the population of Fey Silkworm sheds their fur, causing it to "snow" tiny hairs from the trees. The shed fur then covers the forest ground for a few days before dissipating, due to its removal from the magical core (the moth). Although the phenomenon only goes on for 4–5 days, the celebrations often take place for about two weeks, with celebrations leading up to the "snowfall".   Celebrations are usually centered around silk and moths, with all kinds of memorabilia being made and sold, including moth brooches, toys fashioned from wood or wool, and silk clothes of all kinds (especially adorned with moths).   Additionally, a very special type of souvenir is produced only during this time, called the Glowmoth. To make these, people gather the fallen hair and attach it to small, carved pieces of glowstone. Due to the magical nature of glowstones, the fur does not dissipate, instead attaches itself almost magnetically to the stone. These little figures are then sold for high prices, with each one being unique.


It's hard to pinpoint an exact starting point of this tradition, since it has existed almost as long as the Fey Silkworm has been present in Syoll. The celebrations have steadily grown in number and scale, however, and have now become something aspect-wide, and a great tourist attraction at that.
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