Requam Ostroz Character in The Eight Aspects of Syoll | World Anvil
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Requam Ostroz

Requam Ostroz was a historian and wizard who specialised in research about the Elphead species, who lived in Syoll long before any of today's species arrived here. He spent his life researching the Elphead Relics, their origin and their meanings.  

Early life

Requam was born in Ironstar but moved away when he was very young. He travelled to Farathin's Tomewood College, located in a fortress somewhere in the centre, where he studied wizardry. In the college, he spent much of his free time reading historical accounts of Syoll's past events, ignoring most of his studies in magic.   He quickly gained a much greater interest for history and broke off his studies at Tomewood, preferring instead to travel to Amridge where he joined the Tamogar Historical Academy. During this time he discovered the Elphead, which captivated him. Elphead studies soon became his focus, and he became an expert in the field, being invited to lecture at various Universities and writing multiple books on the topic.  

Return to Ironstar

Early in 1411, Requam—a dwarf at the age of 308—returned to his hometown, following a fresh lead he discovered not too long ago about a key that might help find the Relics and finally unlock the mystery of the Elpheads' disappearance. However, upon discovering that the key (an object referred to as the Vision Stone of the Rebellion) was rumoured to be located in a cave system, Requam realised he needs the help of younger, more adventurous individuals than himself to claim it.   He spent a sizeable amount of his final days at the Bleeding Sail, researching the locations of the relics and translating an Old Syollan tome. After having met the Formidable Disparates, he was more than happy to remain comfortable and let them search for the Relics, using their help to further his research.   Requam died peacefully in his sleep on the 10th of Lifleges, 1411.
Date of Birth
23rd of Villtes
Date of Death
10th of Lifleges
1103 CY 1411 CY 308 years old
Place of Death
dark beady
snow white, thinning
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale, almost grey
1.28 m
60 kg


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