Foy Character in The Eight Aspects of Syoll | World Anvil
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Foy is the goddess of music and the moon, a kind goddess who guides the people in darker times, both literally and metaphorically. Many who have been hurt or are not mentally or physically well seek help and comfort in her arms. Due to her second domain, that of music, she is one of the two patron deities of the Syoll School of Arts in Syoll's Heart.   Often Foy is called "the Mother", as she comforts those seeking guidance. Although music and the moon are her most commonly named domains, she has also in the past been mentioned in connection to motherhood, guidance, and sometimes fertility. Her presence has been described by her followers as a warm feeling, almost like an embrace.   Her holy symbol is a lyre over a crescent moon, although older variants simply had a sickle moon fitted with strings.   Followers of Foy are encouraged to be caring, and often are beacons of peace and serenity. Her teachings also emphasise the calming and comforting nature of songs, one of the reasons why many lullabies reference her.
Divine Classification


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