Averial Character in The Eight Aspects of Syoll | World Anvil
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Averial is the goddess of winter and the hearth and a member of the Syolladver pantheon. Worship of her is most common in the settlements of the Winterlands, where the people hope for her blessing of warmth and protection, although she is present in all Aspects.  


While sometimes Averial is portrayed as a caring figure that protects people from the cold (mostly in tales and bedtime stories), she is usually known not to be particularly kind or good-natured, protecting only those who are sensible enough to seek shelter from the cold. She is often referenced in cautionary tales that teach children not to be selfish or arrogant, and acts as a reminder that although she loves her followers, they are not immortal or unable to be harmed by the harshness of winter.  

Holy Symbol

Averial’s holy symbol is a simple six-pointed snowflake, which is traditionally carved into fireplaces in areas with harsher climates.  


Followers of Averial are not quite as common as those of other Syolladver, and are usually regarded as very neutral people. Although they are known to provide rest and respite to travellers in cold, barren areas (mostly in the Winterlands and Amridge), they are also notorious for leaving those foolish enough to endanger themselves to their fate. This becomes translated into the belief that those who are simply trying their best in life and are good-natured “deserve” protection, while those that are careless and arrogant do not and will be dealt with by the natural order.
Divine Classification
“There’s nothing worse than winter in the wild; it bites and tears at your skin, and the wind whips you like you’re some sort of beast of burden. I’ve served many a traveller headed north, all of them confident they’ll survive. They’ll claim Averial will help them when they’re snowed in and slowly dying. I tell them she won’t because she doesn’t help idiots. They laugh at me and leave. They never return.”
—Dronnig One-Eye, innkeeper at the Last Respite


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