New Pale Empire Organization in The Discontinuum | World Anvil

New Pale Empire

The New Pale Empire was a short lived power structure founded by Curunaxe Boddin in 2041 APC. For a brief period it had full control over central and eastern Myruthea and footholds on Tinturbean and Punjuki. At this time, it was the largest political entity on Magicians' End, but it lasted only thirty four years until 2075 APC.   Boddin began as a wealthy glass manufacturer and merchant, an occupation which led to a popular nickname for his great political conceit, "the Empire of Glass". This name also captured the essential fragility of the aspirant power which shattered with the death of its founder.   Boddin built a great throne room in a repurposed hall within the original glass factory at Pale, where he had first made his money. This housed an enormous glass domed scultpure, deliberately reminiscent of the Harmonic Resonators which had been such an important religious symbol for the faithful of the Way of the Harmonic Path in the Old Pale Empire. It was an attempt to invoke ancient glories and offer a similar symbol for contemporary followers of the Harmonic Path, but it lacked the mystical powers of the original Harmonic Resonators, and as in so many other ways within the new empire, it was only a pale imitation (pun intended) of former greatness. This throne room at Pale is shown in the image at the head of the article.   In later years the New Pale Empire has been called the Paler Empire in mockery of the grand claim it was making but was unable to sustain. One thing at least can be said for it. Unlike the Old Pale Empire, at least its capital was truly in the town of Pale, so in that respect alone it has a better right to the name than the original it was modelled on.

2041 APC - 2075 APC

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Paler Empire; The Empire of Glass.
Predecessor Organization
Successor Organization
Curunaxe Boddin by DMFW with Art Breeder

Articles under New Pale Empire

Cover image: Magicians' End - New Pale Empire Throne Room by DMFW with Midjourney
Character flag image: New Pale Empire Logo by DMFW with Midjourney


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