Warlock Species in The Dhampir Chronicles | World Anvil


A Warlock is the general term for a male Magic User. While not all Warlocks are evil, there is a sizable number that are. The reason for this is the fact that men are more likely to succumb to the temptation of Dark Magic, and be corrupted by its power. That being said, there are still a great deal of Warlocks that have done a great deal of good in the world, and have been able to resist the Dark Temptation.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Like all Magic Users, Warlocks more often than not belong to a Coven of some sort. The social structure varies from Coven to Coven, however, most Covens tend to have a matriarchal structure.

Facial characteristics


Average Intelligence

Above human intelligence
Genetic Ancestor(s)
500+ years
Average Physique
Related Organizations


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