The dark forest History of the Dark Forest Timeline

History of the Dark Forest

The ongoing story of the Forest's various Cinders, the Salamander, Campgrounds, and its visitors.

  • 0

    The creation of the Dark Forest
    Artistic creation

    A small campfire sparks to life. Roots of smoke reach the ground around it, wriggling into the insubstantial dirt. The fire grows, and reality solidifies. The egg in the center bulges and splits.

  • 2 DF

    The birth of Zephnos
    Life, Birth

    This is the night Zephnos was created, born to be an audience.

  • 3 DF

    8 DF

    Zephnos is reclaimed by the Dark Forest
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Zephnos is claimed by the Dark Forest when he falls asleep in the Campgrounds. Initially cursing the Salamander, he eventually learns to live within the Dark Forest, creating a home and slowly gaining mastery over control of the Dark Forest's sparks. During this time he explores an extensive part of the Forest.

  • 8 DF

    30 /10 11:00

    Zephnos becomes the first Cinder
    Life, Milestone

    Having stolen the Salamander Flame, Zephnos became the first non-salamander to be cursed by it, becoming the Forest Bogeyman, first of the Cinders.

  • 8 DF

    31 /10

    Zephnos eats the moon
    Disaster / Destruction

    Zephnos, reveling in his newfound powers and driven insane, catches and eats the moon of the Dark Forest. True darkness descends on the Forest for the first time since its inception. Zephnos is extremely hurt for an unknown reason, and crashes to the Forest's floor.

  • 8 DF


    Soil is "born"
    Life, Birth

    Soil, Daughter of Zephnos, becomes the first living creature to be "born" to a creature of the Dark Forest. Seemingly sentient, she quickly escapes from her father and begins searching for the Campgrounds.

  • 10 DF

    Cicero saves Taryn

    Lost and alone, Taryn nearly dies to a colossus. Just before death, Cicero stops time and spirits her away.

  • 15 DF

    Zephnos encounters Bjorn
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Bjorn, one of the first regular visitors of the Campgrounds, encounters Zephnos after becoming lost in the Dark Forest. A pursuit ensues, and Bjorn barely survives due to the sacrifice of a mother dire bear. He forms a bond with Villi and Ve, her two surviving bear cubs, and swears he'll find a way to kill Zephnos.

    The Dark Forest
    More reading
    Bjorn's Journey
  • 16 DF

    Soil enters the Campgrounds
    Life, Milestone

    Soil, exhausted from her fight with Zephnos, finally makes her way into the Campgrounds. She speaks with the Salamander, who agrees to let her stay. She also nearly kills Bjorn.

  • 16 DF

    Soil confronts Zephnos at his former home
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    After being hunted for what feels like a few weeks to Soil, she finally takes a stand against Zephnos at his old home in the Dark Forest. The fight goes poorly and ends with her shattering her leg. She's saved by intervention from the Tree of Wounds, who displaces Zephnos and his home into another area of the Forest. Wounded but not dead, Soil make her way to the Campgrounds.

  • The Month of Madness
    The first Moonrise event occurs
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Dark Forest's moon reappears above the Campgrounds during a fight between the Salamander, Soil and the Zephnos. After a failed attempt to consume the moon once more, Zephnos' form begins to break down into its individual components. Soil and Bjorn assist the Salamander in defending the Campgrounds against the resulting Zephnos creatures. After a month, Zephnos' creatures loose their aggressive tendencies, and return to the Dark Forest. Zephnos, denied his chance to regain his power, is severely reduced in form, but returns to the Dark Forest in his original satyr shape.

  • 16 DF

    2 /11

    Bjorn meets Cicero
    Gathering / Conference

    Bjorn, frustrated by his inability to actually help the Salamander or the Campgrounds, is approached by Cicero. Cicero proposes that Bjorn help him end Zephnos' life. Bjorn, happy to finally get some level of closure, accepts the proposal.

  • 16 DF

    4 /11

    The Death of Zephnos
    Life, Death

    Zephnos, stripped of his powers, is hunted down mere days after the Month of Madness ends. The Salamander Flame within him escapes to create the Ashvine.

    The Dark Forest
    More reading
    The Death of Zephnos
  • 17 DF

    18 /3

    The first Festival of Stories
    Gathering / Conference

    The first Festival of Stories is held. For the first time ever, the laws of the Dark Forest are relaxed, and the creatures of the forest can enter the Campground under the shroud of peace. Stories are told, and new guardian creatures are formed from these stories.

  • 17 DF

    31 /9

    The Second Moonrise
    Disaster / Destruction

    With the rise of the Ashvine, parts of the Forest begin to stagnate under its control. The Second Moonrise brings with it a new threat: The Vinebound. Willingly binding themselves and others to the Ashvine, these lost souls begin an assault on the Campgrounds.

  • 17 DF

    31 /9 12:00

    Vinterdyret is born
    Life, Birth

    Bjorn takes the Salamander Flame into himself, and instead of being wholly consumed, gives it will and a direction. The Salamander Flame transforms him into Vinterdyret, and Bjorn is promptly exiled from the Campgrounds.

  • 18 DF


    The Church of the Smoldering Bramble is established

    Within the Dark Forest, the Church of the Smoldering Bramble begins its conquest of the Dark Forest. Convinced that the Salamander is the cause of all of their misfortunes, they begin to spread the Ashvine. The Forest begins to lose its ability to change.