Magnetic barrier bars Technology / Science in The Cutting Room Floor | World Anvil
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Magnetic barrier bars

Magnetic barrier bars are specifically designed magnets used to repel the abrasive dust found in the the dust sea. They are commonly incorporated into interworld aircraft and can be used to clear areas, allowing for safe construction in the dust sea.  


The principle was discovered by a Seafolk crew whose aircraft had to perform an emergency landing in the dust sea. Usually, this would result in a huge cloud of abrasive dust getting propelled into the air, raining down upon the crew, causing skin irritation, eye damage and Dust Lung and rendering the aircraft unusable by wreaking its electronics. To their surprise, they were completely clear, in fact, there was no dust within several meters of the aircraft. The crew had been transporting a strong magnet from home, back to their boat on the Sea of Ondine. While it had been shielded during transport, the rough descent had damaged its crate, allowing its magnetic field to extend beyond the aircraft, repelling dust within its proximity.   After further study, it was discovered that this dust is repelled by even weak magnetic fields, even something with the strength of a fridge magnet would clear an area of half a foot around it. Further development was done, formulating a specific design that could be used as a reliable safety mechanism


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