Elturel Settlement in The Crucible of Creation | World Anvil
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Elturel was a city-state lying on the River Chionthar in the Western Heartlands. In the mid–14th century DR, it was a center for agriculture and trade in the region, and was renowned for its elite mounted defenders, the Hellriders. In the late 15th century DR, it was the capital of the realm of Elturgard, a theocracy of Torm the True and defended by its paladin knighthood, the Order of the Companion.

Elturel throughout 'The Shattering'

Holy Order has a headquarters in the capitol and the Magic Academy effectively brands, restricts, and weaponizes the usage of mages within Elturgards borders.

The Destruction of Elturel

Cassius and Arcadia release the seals that bind the Homunculus.  The result is the destruction of a place dear to them, which turns out to be Elturel, ushering in an age where Berdusk takes the forefront as a leader in the lands of Elturgard.  The place becomes a ghosttown, eventually filled with the spirits of Revenants.


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