Occultist Profession in The Creedverse | World Anvil


In the late 19th century, occultism is a burgeoning field of study and practice in the United States. Occultists seek to explore and understand the hidden and mysterious aspects of the universe, often delving into spiritualism, mysticism, and esoteric knowledge. These individuals dedicate their lives to uncovering secrets and expanding humanity's understanding of the unseen world.   Role of Occultists   Occultists are individuals who study and practice various aspects of the hidden world, often focusing on spiritualism, mysticism, or other esoteric knowledge. They may be involved in conducting seances, communicating with spirits, interpreting dreams, or divining the future. Occultists often seek to bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual realms, unlocking hidden knowledge and harnessing unseen forces.   Spiritualism and Seances   One of the most popular branches of occultism in the late 19th century is spiritualism, which centers on communicating with the spirits of the deceased. Spiritualists often host seances, gatherings where participants attempt to contact the spirit world, typically with the assistance of a medium. The medium serves as an intermediary between the living and the dead, channeling messages and providing evidence of the spirit's presence.   The Spirit Ring   A recent development in the field of spiritualism is the invention of the Spirit Ring, a device created by Tobey Ghering, an employee at Morgan's Mechanicals, and his wife, Esther. The Spirit Ring incorporates a unique formulation of Celestium Alloy that taps into Human thoughts echoing in the Luminiferous Ether. When the alloy is combined with a crystal ball, it allows users to hear voices and communicate with spirits more effectively.   The Spirit Ring has become a sought-after tool among spiritualists and occultists, who appreciate its ability to enhance their connection with the spirit world. The invention has been sold secretly to spiritualists across the country, further fueling interest in seances and spirit communication.   Challenges and Controversies   The field of occultism has its share of challenges and controversies. Skeptics often question the validity of spiritualism and other occult practices, accusing practitioners of fraud and deception. In response, some occultists have dedicated themselves to developing more reliable methods and tools, like the Spirit Ring, to prove the legitimacy of their practices.   Despite the challenges, occultism continues to attract followers and practitioners who are fascinated by the mysteries of the unseen world. As new discoveries and inventions emerge, the field of occultism will likely continue to evolve and expand, capturing the imagination of those who seek to understand the hidden aspects of the universe.   Conclusion   Occultism in the late 19th century is a field of study and practice that explores the hidden and mysterious aspects of the universe. The introduction of inventions like the Spirit Ring has captured the imagination of spiritualists and occultists alike, further fueling the desire to uncover the secrets of the unseen world. As the field continues to evolve, occultists will undoubtedly continue their pursuit of knowledge and understanding of the mysteries that lie beyond the veil of the physical realm.