Human Species in The Creedverse | World Anvil


General Characteristics   Humans are a highly adaptable and intelligent species known for their remarkable ability to create, innovate, and shape their surroundings. As social beings, they have developed complex societies and cultures that have influenced the course of history. In the 19th century, humans have experienced significant advancements in technology and society that have shaped the world in numerous ways.   Industrial Revolution   The 19th century saw the Industrial Revolution gain momentum, leading to rapid advancements in manufacturing and production. Steam engines became more efficient and reliable, enabling faster transportation and greater productivity. Factories emerged as the dominant sites of production, and laborers flocked to urban areas for work. This shift in manufacturing led to significant changes in human society, with people adjusting to new work routines, urban living conditions, and social structures.   Transportation   During this period, transportation systems were revolutionized with the advent of steam-powered locomotives and ships. Railroads expanded across the United States, connecting distant cities and fostering economic growth. The first transcontinental railroad was completed in 1869, marking a major milestone in the country's infrastructure. Steamships became the preferred method for long-distance travel and trade, as they were faster and more reliable than sailing ships.   Communication   The 19th century also saw considerable advancements in communication technology. The telegraph, invented in the 1840s, enabled messages to be transmitted quickly across vast distances, revolutionizing the exchange of information. The telephone, invented in 1876, further transformed communication by allowing direct conversations between individuals over long distances.   Medical Science   Medical science made significant strides during this time, with the discovery of germ theory and the development of vaccines and anesthesia. These advancements improved public health and contributed to longer lifespans for many people. Surgeons gained the ability to perform more complex procedures with a greater degree of success, saving lives that would have been lost in earlier times.   Automatons   In the latter part of the century, the development of automatons, such as the Auto Sapients and Auto Caninus models, marked a significant achievement in engineering and technology. These advanced machines, designed to resemble humans or animals, were equipped with powerful steam-driven engines and sophisticated mechanical systems. They served a variety of purposes, from manual labor to personal companionship, and represented a remarkable fusion of engineering, art, and science.   Education and Social Progress   As the 19th century progressed, education became more accessible and widespread, leading to a more educated population. This, in turn, contributed to social progress and advancements in various fields. Human rights movements, such as those advocating for women's rights and the abolition of slavery, gained momentum, pushing for reforms that would improve the lives of many individuals.   In conclusion, the 19th century marked a period of remarkable change and progress for the human species. The advancements in technology, science, and society that occurred during this time laid the groundwork for further innovations and improvements in the years to come.
Scientific Name
Homo sapiens sapiens