Gwen meets Cory Plot in The core energies | World Anvil
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Gwen meets Cory

So the backbone of how the story will be told is starting to come together. I'm seeing the plot as follows: What we know so far... So Gwen is looking for the answers when she walks into the Nightingale Facilities. She is at the border between it and the Caretaker Society, and gets the lay of the land, but has a run in with a cloaked figure, in full battle attire. All black, sturdy, with a little bit of armored protection underneath. They have a stand off, with him yielding a long sword and her using hand to hand combat to fight him off- she doesn't use her energy because one, she doesn't know how, and two, this is a public setting and she doesn't want to raise any suspicions.  He ends up running off and she finds a place to rest, slowly drifting off to sleep. She wakes up in a brightly lit room, white walls, but calming and filled with plants. She sees a bed next to hers, and wonders where she ended up. A young girl- about sixteen- walks in, but is nervous by the sight of a new face. Gwen decides to go out and investigate, and sees the boy she remembered from earlier. She finds out his name is Thomas, and that he is equally confused. He asks one of the passing staff members what's going on, because he just wants to know what the deal is. She tells him that they are "rehabilitating ravens and troubled individuals"... and leaves it at that. Gwen wants to talk to him, but he had a stand off with his roommate earlier, and tells her not to enter the room because the roommate is intense and seems a little dangerous.  Obviously Gwen doesn't care and walks in anyways, only to find in the room, a young man, twenty years of age, practicing combat. As she turns the corner into the main area of the room, he sneaks up to her and puts her in a neck hold. They again have a brief stand off, which leads Gwen to assume that this is the same guy from earlier. He leans in for an attack, trying to get close enough to stab her with his sword. "You're that same jerk from earlier, aren't you?"  He doesn't say a word. He's focused on finishing this fight. But he doesn't see her final move coming. In an act of defense, she lets out a quick electrical pulse, which knocks him back, leaving him unable to counter. He isn't injured, but is too weak to fight or get up. "What's the matter with you!?" Gwen exclaims as she looks down at him.  "I should be asking you the same thing." He looks at her arm, which is glowing a bright, neon teal blue.  "I honestly don't know. I'm just looking for some answers, so can you stop fighting me for a second and tell me why you attacked me?" By the way Thomas is standing there like an idiot just so utterly confused yet impressed by the whole ordeal but really, really, really confused.  "You know this chick?" The young man looks over to Thomas. "I didn't know she could do all THAT." She smirks. "Look, I'm just doing my job." "Your job is to fight random people you meet in the streets?" "No, my job is to kill the marks I've been given an image of. I had no idea you had that blue stuff in you. That's probably why they want you dead." She looks over at him. "Well maybe we can put that off for a little longer, okay? And instead of fighting me, maybe help me find some answers." He nods.  "By the way, I'm Gwen. This is my friend Thomas. He waves. "I'm Cory."  

Plot points/Scenes

We see our first indication of a Treatment Center, which are vital to the story. We are introducted to a major side character, a young Japanese/Irish man named Cory, who's an assassin- not by choice but for survival- and his main weapon of a katana.


The white walls and plants reflect where in the world's setting you are. The color palette of muted greys, whites, and beiges, as well as the minimal design and abundance of plants, indicates that you are in The Caretaker Society.  The staff refers to this as a "rehabilitation center" or in other words, a Treatment Center, which are vital to the plot. Here we get the first interaction where Gwen actively chooses to use her energies ability of electrical pulses. This shows the continuing evolution of Gwen's confidence in her abilities and the choices she makes later on.
Plot type
A scene
Related Locations

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