The Great Balance Organization in The Continent of Wordal | World Anvil
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The Great Balance

The Great Balance is the central religion of the feudal kingdom of Rasfadal. According to its teachings, the universe was created out of the Void by the primordial forces of Good and Evil, who then gave birth to the first gods. These gods founded their own divine houses, representing the forces of Light, Darkness, Chaos, and Order. The Great Balance holds that these houses are locked in a constant struggle for power and that maintaining a divine balance between them is crucial for the survival of the world.   The religion is organized around the concept of the Balance, which is seen as a divine force that permeates all of existence. The faithful of the Great Balance believe that the Balance must be maintained in all things, from the natural world to human society. They see the world as a delicate web of interconnected forces that must be kept in harmony. The priests of the religion are tasked with maintaining this balance and ensuring that the divine houses do not upset it through their actions. The Great Balance has a complex set of rituals and festivals that are dedicated to each of the four houses, and these are an important part of the religion's practice. Overall, the Great Balance is a religion that emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things and the importance of maintaining a delicate balance in order to ensure the survival of the world.

Mythology & Lore

In the beginning there was nothing but The Void. From it came Eytha, the first Primordial. Eytha was a tender spirit, free of mind, curious and kind. But to be the only one in existence was not enough and they requested of The Void a sibling. The Void granted Eytha their wish and created Meys, the second Primordial. Meys was possessive, careless and destructive. Everything that Eytha built, Meys destroyed.   So it was they Eytha brought to life a child, Annaaru, to help them stand against their sibling Meys. Annaaru brought with her Light. Like always Meys intended to corrupt Eytha's work and created Morlorrim, a God of Darkness. Morlorrim's sole purpose was to take out Annaaru's light so she could no longer hinder Meys in their destruction. In response to this Eytha created another god, Milory. Milory brought with her Chaos to confuse Morlorrim. For a time this worked, until Meys created. another God, Okorus. Okorus sought to make Milory's chaos undone, bringing order wherever he went. And so it was that the first Gods were created.   Eytha and Meys continued their struggle, and their children followed, until they came together and decided they had enough. Together they stood up to their creators and destroyed them, bringing an end to the Primordial Age.   For another time this brought a new balance to the Void and the Gods wished for something beautiful, something good to come of it. Annaaru created the sun, and Morlorrim the darkness that surrounded it. Milory created the stars and Okorus the forces that kept them in place. Finally the created the Aldamma, the world. They lived there and created people to populate it. For thousands of years they lived like this and there was balance. But the gods were too different for this to last and soon new struggles arose. The struggle led to a conflict and the conflict led to a war. This was the end of the Age of Balance.   The Gods fought and created new gods, like Eytha and Meys before them, to help them in their fight. Each of the four gods created a house of their own, far away form the world, where they would be safe from their rivals. Annaaru created the House of Light, Morlorrim the House of Darkness, Milory the House of Chaos and Okorus the House of Order. They would continue to send divine beings to Aldamma to influence the people, making sure they had enough support and power to take on the other gods. It was Annaaru, who was most of all the gods seen as "good", who won the war. She defeated the other gods leaving only light. This was the end of the Godwar.   There was no chaos nor order, and darkness faded from the world. The eternal day came and burned Aldamma. It's people realized that a divine balance had been disturbed and turned their support to the defeated gods. With they newfound power and strength they managed to rise again and bring an end to the eternal day. Now all gods were equally powerful, and the people of Aldamma vowed to maintain the balance. This was the New Balance.

Tenets of Faith

The Tenets of Faith are a set of fundamental beliefs that guide the followers of the Great Balance. These beliefs are rooted in the idea that all things in the universe are connected and that balance must be maintained to achieve harmony. The followers of the Great Balance believe that it is their duty to uphold this balance and to work towards creating a better world for all beings.   The Tenets of Faith:   1. All beings are connected and part of a larger whole.   2. Balance must be maintained in all things for harmony to be achieved.   3. Compassion and empathy are essential in all interactions with others.   4. Personal growth and development are necessary for achieving spiritual enlightenment.   5. The pursuit of power, wealth, and pleasure at the expense of others is unacceptable.   6. Respect and fairness must be shown to all beings, regardless of their background or status.   7. Deception, manipulation, and violence are never justified.   8. Education and knowledge are important for personal and societal growth.   9. The natural world must be respected and protected.   10. Everyone has the power to shape their own destiny and is responsible for their own actions.


The Great Balance as a whole values harmony and balance, and its ethics reflect this overarching principle. The ethics of the Great Balance emphasize the importance of finding a balance between the different values upheld by each of the four Houses.   Compassion, empathy, and kindness, as valued by the House of Light, are seen as important qualities that help to promote a sense of community and interconnectedness. However, the House of Darkness's emphasis on individualism and ambition is also recognized as an important aspect of personal growth and development.   Similarly, the House of Order's focus on structure, discipline, and hierarchy is recognized as necessary for maintaining a well-ordered society, but the House of Nature's emphasis on personal freedom and respect for the environment is also seen as crucial for ensuring balance and sustainability.   Overall, the ethics of the Great Balance emphasize the importance of finding a balance between different values and perspectives, and recognizing the value in each of the four Houses' unique contributions to the whole. The Great Balance seeks to promote a world in which all beings can live in harmony with one another and with the natural world, while also pursuing personal growth and development.


Worship in the Great Balance varies depending on the House and its particular beliefs and practices. However, there are some common elements that can be found across all Houses.   In general, worship in the Great Balance involves the offering of prayers, sacrifices, and other forms of devotion to the gods and goddesses of the House. These offerings can take many forms, from simple prayers and offerings of food or drink, to more elaborate ceremonies involving music, dance, and ritual.   The specific rituals and practices vary widely depending on the House. For example, the House of Light often conducts ceremonies in grand temples and cathedrals, with priests and priestesses leading the faithful in prayer and song. The House of Darkness, on the other hand, tends to conduct its rituals in secret and often in secluded locations, with priests and priestesses leading initiates in dark and often dangerous ceremonies.   The House of Order tends to be more formal and structured in its worship, with priests and priestesses leading the faithful in the recitation of prayers and the offering of sacrifices. They may also conduct ceremonies to honor the gods and goddesses associated with order and discipline, such as the god of law or the goddess of wisdom.   In the House of Chaos, worship is often more free-form and spontaneous, with priests and priestesses leading rituals that honor the natural world and the gods and goddesses of nature. These ceremonies may involve offerings of flowers, fruits, or other natural items, as well as music, dance, and meditation.   Overall, worship in the Great Balance is a deeply personal and spiritual experience that varies widely depending on the House and the individual believer.


In the Great Balance, the role of the priesthood varies greatly depending on the House. However, in general, the priesthood is responsible for guiding and instructing followers in matters of faith, leading ceremonies and rituals, and serving as a direct connection to the divine.   In the House of Light, the priesthood is well-organized and hierarchical, with initiates, acolytes, priests, and priestesses all serving different roles. The highest-ranking member of the Priesthood of the House of Light is the Archpriest, who serves as a direct connection to Annaaru and leads the most important ceremonies and religious events.   In the House of Darkness, the priesthood operates in a secretive and cult-like manner, with initiates subjected to rigorous initiation processes and priests and priestesses required to uphold strict codes of conduct, including secrecy, obedience, and the willingness to carry out dark deeds in service of the House. The highest-ranking member of the Cult of Morlorrim is the Dark Oracle, who leads and directs the cult's activities and serves as a direct conduit to Morlorrim.   In the House of Order, the priesthood is highly organized and structured, with priests expected to uphold and enforce the laws and traditions of their society and to provide spiritual guidance and support to their communities. The highest-ranking members of the priesthood are known as Archons, who are responsible for overseeing the administration of the House of Order.   In the House of Chaos, the priesthood is deeply connected to nature and the natural world, with priests and priestesses often taking on roles as druids or shamans. They lead rituals and ceremonies that honor the natural world and the gods and goddesses associated with the House of Chaos. The highest-ranking member of the House of Chaos is the Archdruid or Archdruidess, who serves as the direct connection to Milory, the Lady of Nature, and is responsible for leading the other priests and priestesses in their worship and service to the gods and faeries of the House of Chaos.   Overall, the role of the priesthood in the Great Balance is to serve as spiritual guides and leaders, helping followers to connect with the divine and guiding them on their path of spiritual development.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Great Balance is a complex and multifaceted organization, with each of its four Houses pursuing its own agenda and using a variety of methods to further its interests.   The House of Light is known for its humanitarian and altruistic efforts, working to improve the lives of others and promote peace and cooperation among nations. They often use diplomacy and negotiation to achieve their goals, building alliances and coalitions with like-minded individuals and organizations. However, they also engage in covert operations to protect their interests and further their goals.   The House of Darkness is the most secretive of the four Houses and uses intrigue and subterfuge to advance its interests. They often work behind the scenes to manipulate individuals and events to achieve their goals, using bribery, blackmail, and assassination to eliminate their enemies and secure their power. They are skilled in the arts of deception and manipulation, and their agents are highly trained in espionage and covert operations.   The House of Order uses its political influence to promote stability and order, often working through established political institutions and systems to achieve their goals. They are highly organized and disciplined, with a well-established hierarchy and a strict code of conduct. They often use their military might to project their power and protect their interests, but they also use diplomacy and negotiation to achieve their goals when possible.   The House of Nature is known for its independence and non-conformity, often operating outside of established political systems and institutions. They use their natural charisma and personal influence to further their goals, often working through grassroots movements and popular uprisings to achieve their aims. They are skilled in guerrilla tactics and unconventional warfare, often using hit-and-run tactics and asymmetrical warfare to defeat their enemies.   Intrigue plays a significant role in the Great Balance, with each House using a variety of methods to further its interests. The Houses often compete with one another for power and influence, using subterfuge and deception to undermine their rivals and gain an advantage. However, they also work together when it serves their interests, forming alliances and coalitions to achieve common goals. Overall, the Great Balance is a complex and dynamic organization, with each House pursuing its own agenda while also working together to maintain the balance of power in the world.
Religious, Organised Religion
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Cover image: by Mikael Quites


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