Orc Species in The Continent of Wordal | World Anvil
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Orcs are a race of humanoids that have been a threat to the civilized cultures of Wordal for as long as any could remember.

Basic Information


Orcs vary in appearance, based on region, but all share certain physical qualities. Orcs of all kinds usually have grayish skin, coarse hair, stooped postures, low foreheads, large muscular bodies, and porcine faces that feature lower canines that resemble boar tusks. Many also have wolf-like ears that are pointed on the ends, similar to elves. Orcs are slightly larger than humans and other similar humanoids, and usually robust and muscular.   Adult male orcs generally stand between 2.1 and 2.4 meters tall, and adult females average five centimeters shorter. Males weigh in anywhere between 105 and 135 kg, while females weigh between 95 and 125 kg.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Orcs have poor temperaments and are given to anger more easily than some races. Easily offended and impatient, orcs generally prefer violent solutions and rarely consider multiple ways of approaching a problem. However, in spite of this many orcs are excellent at getting results, since they are creatures of action, not thought.   Orcs breed fast and live short lives compared with most other races. They are considered adults anywhere between 11 and 14 years of age, middle-aged at 17, old at 23, and venerable at 35 years of age. The average orc seldom lives longer than 40 years, even if it manages to avoid violent death. It is unheard of for an orc to live longer than 45 years without magical aid.
Genetic Descendants
60 years
Average Height
2.0 - 2.4 m
Average Weight
100 - 130 kg


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