Essal Material in The Codex Of Ephonel | World Anvil
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essal is a potent drug made from the elro flower found in yevela, produced via steeping the flower's petals in water. essal is widely used by the yevelian upper class, as it is rather popular for its calming effects as well as its semi-mediastinal properties that help reduce stress and anxiety, however, it must be taken in small doses, otherwise, it is often lethal.


Physical & Chemical Properties

prolonged or intense use of essal often leads to strange emotional degradation in users. the effects vary, but, the drug reduces empathy and compassion, and in cases of extreme abuse can altogether can its user.   these effects are pushed to their farthest in The DCY, where they induce them intentionally to erode the subject's emotions. the exact details of the process are kept secret, but those who survive the treatment -originally prisoners- are drafted into the DCY's 'Grey Guard,' its secret police force.


Trade & Market

essal is one of many exotic commodities shipped out from yevela and prized the world over. the drug is most popular as a luxury item in Salnarae and mosannd, but it also winds its way into beszkem, tyet, and the HKA, creating emotionless addicts and overdose deaths along the way.

Law & Regulation

is much of the world essal is entirely unregulated, being used freely with little social stigma or legal consequence, despite the sometimes fatal results of use. in some jurisdictions like Tyet  or beszkem, there are technically laws against it but rarely are they enforced.
powerfully minty
bright sky blue


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