The Fraternity of Dark Arcanum Organization in The Chronicles of Traith | World Anvil

The Fraternity of Dark Arcanum

This order is comprised of arcane spellcasters that favor the darker arts of magic. Founded by the former High Practitioner Crildoon centuries after his banishment from the Society of Practitioners. Crildoon had been imprisoned as part of his banishment from the organization he once lead. The time spent in the imprisonment did nothing but further Crildoon's hatred for the people and organization he was once apart of.   When Crildoon finally escaped the imprisonment the Practitioners had placed him in he began recruiting other former members of the Society of Practitioners. He sought those who had been banished or discharged for conduct unbecoming of a Practitioner. This usually meant the caster had been caught using magics that the Society considered to dark or destructive.   
by Peter M Thomsen


The members of this organization are arrogant to say the least. They view themselves as superior to all others even when it could prove fatal for themselves, their colleagues,or the Fraternity as a whole.

Public Agenda

The Fraternity's primary goal is to extinguish the light that the Society of Practitioners brings to the people Traith. The secondary goal is the conquest of Traith itself but the Fraternity know that while the Practitioners are around in any capacity the secondary will run the risk of failure. Crildoon has learned this first hand with his loss at the Battle of the Glendeiril Plains
Some members of the Fraternity are sleeper agents still hiding within the number of the Society of Practitioners. The higher ranking members of the The Society of Practioners including the The High Practitioner Blissella have expressed caution is to be exercised in any and all activities whether in official capacity or not undertaken by all Practitioners.
Secret, Brotherhood
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