The Worker Prose in The Chronicles | World Anvil

The Worker

The worker was at work as he always was, listening to his bosses and not saying a word. Laboring away without a care in the world, spending hour after hour spending his days to earn his keep. As hard work was its own reward. He did a good job and did what he was told as they were the bosses so they knew what was best. He was respected by his peers by his merit and strived to be like him to earn greater pay. But then one day when he received his pay, he was cut short of his hard earned work. When he asked why this happened, his bosses told him that they were short on money and that they need time to get more. The worker understood and went on his way to his home. His house was not that large or refined, but all that he cared about was that he had three meals a day and a roof over his head. He knew that he would have to cut back on his spending due to lack of money that he usually had. Thinking to himself things will return to normal sooner or later. A week went by and he did his usual routine and went along to receive his pay. He was again told that they still had no money and that they had to cut his hours. He understood and went home. He thought to himself that he had more time to himself and he thought he could use the break for he never took a day off, even on the holidays. His pay was not returned and his hours not returned for weeks on end and it started to show as he shortened his meals and tried paying for his house and taxes with what he had. He still hoped that all would change sooner or later.   He returned to work once more, but this time he decided to help another way today as his usual job was being handled by his fellow workers. Then one of his bosses told him to get back to his regular position, but he told them that it was already handled and he thought it might help some other way and walked away. Then a few moments later he was called to the main boss' office. "What could he want I wonder?" he wondered. As he entered the room and took a seat, his boss told him to go home for the day! He was shocked! "But why, did I do something wrong?" The main boss replied "You talked back to one of your superiors when you were told to do some and you disregarded that order." But when he tried to explain he was stopped and was told to leave. The worker obeyed and went home. He thought to himself. "All these years of hard work and this is how they decided to treat me!" He then decided to go talk to the boss that caused this and went to his house. He was in a nicer neighborhood then his own full of beautiful houses and everything was so clean.   He then came across the boss' house and went towards the door. But what he saw in the corner of his eye in a window, all of his bosses eating in a fine dining hall. All of them were feasting on fine foods that he only dreamed of and were too expensive for his salary. They laughed and enjoyed their meals and the warmth of the house. While he lived in a house that was rundowned and cold. How could they eat such food and live in such fine houses if they have so little money he thought to himself. Then finally he realized that he was played all along and they were being greedy all along, while they greedily held onto their money that they valued more than their employees. Anger overcame the man as he saw them dine, " How could they do this to me." His thoughts raced through his head. I worked hard and was loyal to them for years and they still see me as dirt under their heels! I sided with them when the other workers were angry at them when their pay was lowered. I helped calm them down when they called for their heads. I worked myself to the point of exhaustion when they wanted me to work extra hours with little pay! I listened to them and did everything they said. “This is not how people should be treated at all.” “I was so blind to accept their false smiles and their petty excuses. He stared at them for a moment longer, seeing some of their wives and children pampered and well dressed. Most of the workers he knew had trouble feeding their families and their wives and children had to find jobs just to make ends meet! He didn’t even marry yet knowing that he could support a family! He left and thought of a plan to get back at these two timing liars!   He returned to work to the next day and was confronted by the boss that got him in trouble. "Have you learned your lesson from yesterday." he said with a serious look, but the worker saw a small grin in the corner of his mouth. "Oh I have learned my lesson alright." He struck him in the face and he fell to the ground. All the other workers looked at him in shock. One of them asked "why would you do such a thing to a man who gave you this job that feeds you and keeps a roof over your head?" He gave a serious look to those around them. “These men are not the generous men you thought they were." “They are greedy and are hoarding their money all to themselves." "While we are left to fend for ourselves." They were shocked to hear such a thing, but then realized that they were true as they too were going through the same thing the worker was going through. They had families feed and houses to maintain and they were slowly losing them as their pay was taken away. Anger came over and then they began to attack the bosses and began to trash the place they once worked. They were finally awake to what their world really was, a place where the wealthy took advantage of the poor. They took what was owed to them from the office’s safe filled to the brim with money! Then they began to march towards the bosses' houses. They trashed them and burned them and took their expensive valuables to care for their families and soon enough other workers began to join them.   They marched throughout the city as their motley crew began to grow. They were finally awake from this fabricated world and wanted compensation from all the lies that were sown. But the rich and powerful did not what to see this change and sent their thugs with clubs and blades to silence them all with torture and pain. But they pressed and fought on knowing that change would not happen as long as the rich were still in power. They sent police and the army to put them down but it only made them angry as blood spilled throughout the streets. The time for talking was over and they knew it, they had made their choice and they would stick by it. They raised up arms and spread the word until the entire country was up in revolt. "Down with the rich and up with the people!" crowds said as they stormed armories and used tools from their previous trades to maintain their righteous crusade. They stormed the government buildings and the homes of the rich to bring them down bit by bit. An army of workers that fought against the odds, but their determination and dreams kept them marching. The fighting was harsh and thick as war kept on going. But their cause kept on growing as their enemies numbers kept on dwindling. The people were winning as they took city after city and so many turned on their would be masters as they soon realized they were nothing to them and threw them to the mobs to join those who accepted them in open arms. Their days number the rich and powerful surrendered and were stripped of their wealth and forced them to labor to earn their fair share, knowing how hard life really was.   A nation engulfed by flame was soon turned to ash, but from that ash came a new nation in its stead. The scars of war faded away and peace was restored by the workers who wanted to be treated like people and not like machines. Where workers could actually live life without struggle. Where the rich and powerful had no sway over the people. A just society that was built on hard work and merit as all workers treated one another a kin. A place where the future seemed brighter for their children, to live in a world where they were not looked down upon and treated like cattle. The worker was at work as he always was, no bosses to listen to and not a care in the world. Knowing that everything was right and no longer struggling to earn his keep as he had enough to live in comfort, but knew that hard work was his own just reward.

The Ferdan Revolution would be the starting point for the Age of Revolutions across the world and the people would rise up against their monarchical oppressors to form new nations built by the people and bring forth new nation that would follow democracy and equal rights for its citizens.   This also a call to all the hard workers of the world to take crap from no one and take back your life from those who keep them down.


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