Calferoga Species in The Chronicles | World Anvil


Calferogas are consider a mystery to many considering they are often to hard document. Which is quite odd considering that they are larger then a car! This species of fish has been spotted all across the world, but are difficult to catch as they have the ability to vanish without a trace. Though they may look intimidating they are more frightened by anything that looks dangerous to them

Basic Information


The Calferoga have two long fins and tale that is used for swimming. Along with a muscular body with dense bones.

Biological Traits

What makes the Caleferoga such a remarkable creature is that is has the ability to turn itself invisible by camouflaging with it surroundings. Most believe that this is due to its scales that tend to allow them to do this, no one is really sure of that at all as they tend to remain the same color after they die.

Genetics and Reproduction

Unlike most fish they are able to give live birth which take five months to do so.

Growth Rate & Stages

It is said it takes a full century for them to fully grow.

Ecology and Habitats

They often prefer the cold dark places in the oceans where few thing can find them. Often traveling place to place in search of food.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Surprisingly their diet is based off of plants and algae in the ocean. Eating it as they travel to maintain speed.

Biological Cycle

From what can be found on them, they tend to shed their scales as the grow and are replaced with new ones.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They are often considered loners that search for their food and only come together when mating season arrives.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

When they are caught they are often used as food as they are considered a delicacy in some places in the world considering that their meat is exotic. Their scales are also taken to figure out how they work to create better camouflage technology.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Caleferogas can be found in many different parts of the worlds oceans.

Average Intelligence

Caleferogas are actually smart for a fish as they know when danger is near and how to hide from in when the time arrives. They also have long memories to better traverse the oceans when in search of food.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

It is believed that they are able to use sonar travel around and can use sight to see what food it can eat. As for hearing it seems possible put not yet confirmed.
Scientific Name
500 - 700 years
Conservation Status
The population is hard to register as they are an elusive species to find.
Average Weight
400 lbs - 600 lbs
Average Length
7ft - 9ft
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Black with white spots


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