Champions Rank/Title in The Chronicle | World Anvil


"To the Gods, life is just a betting track. They'll throw money at whomever they fancy, then praise their keen eye when we succeed, or jeer at us from the sidelines should we fail. We are their entertainment,"   -Yin


The Omnipotent Gods of the Metaverse constantly observe the mortals of this world, watching for any individuals who may show potential of any kind. When a God finds a mortal which they deem worthy, they are able to unlock a portion of untapped potential within their mind, giving them the ability to manifest certain items and abilities based on their imagination and personality. Gods will typically choose to bestow this power on mortals when they are within the most critical and stressful moment of their life, where the choices said mortal makes is often life or death. Depending on the choices they make in that moment, the mortal will receive these powers in that very moment.   Although there is no significant for or against this, many suspect that one can become a Champion through genetics as well. Many Champions, as well as Champions who marry other Champions often have children who become Champions at some point in their life, hence the popular term "Royal Family" used to describe a lineage of Champions.


Champions are unaware of which God selected to them, or what intentions they hold for them. There are many theories as to why Champions exist in the first place, from mortals being selected pawns in a much grander scheme, granting them these powers in hopes they will walk the path set out for them, or simply granting them for the sole purpose of entertainment, watching from afar as mortals make use of their new powers however they please.    The general consensus is that Champions act as protectors for the larger population of the world, defending from various threats such as otherworldly attacks, warring countries, or even other Champions. Many kingdoms in the universe are headed by Champions, acting as their kings or queens and making up their "Royal Family".


The truth behind how a God unlocks these laden abilities within a mortal is through their Mental Labyrinth, a physical space in a far off dimension, where individual's thoughts manifest into being. Each person has their own Mental Labyrinth which they unknowingly traverse everyday, their thoughts and feelings changing the landscape of the labyrinth itself. A God can make a mortal aware of this alternate world, bringing to light an ability which every mortal has locked away, that allows them to turn abilities and objects from within their mind real. Although this power offers near limitless potential, it starts off very restricted, allowing a Champion a limited set of abilities to make use of.    The God will only break the initial lock on the mortal's mind, allowing them to freely explore their Mental Labyrinth whenever they wish, but there are still dozens, if not hundreds more locks sealing away even more laden power within their own mind. These locks require special keys to open, yet it is unknown how Champions are able to find these supposed keys.
Magical, Honorific
Alternative Naming
  • Heroes
  • Kings/Queens


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Dec 9, 2019 07:44

Nicely done article! You might want to consider splitting the Duties and Benefit chunks into paragraphs, just to help readability a little.   The Labyrinth sounds interesting! Is there a god in charge of it? Or is it more of a "divinity was within you all along" sort of situation?

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Dec 10, 2019 17:34

Thank you very much for the comment!   As far as how the Labyrinth works, it is essentially a place which everyone has, like a physical personification of their thoughts. Most people aren't aware of it, it's just a matter of having someone with omnipotent powers showing you how to get there. There IS a god that could be said to preside over this world, but they're not necessarily 'in charge' in the way you might be thinking.

Dec 10, 2019 18:29

I see! Very interesting! :D

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.