Envale Geographic Location in The Chromatic Order: Unrehta | World Anvil
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Created by Ian Miller
Defined by it's high mountains rich in precious metals and minerals, Envale sits as the western continent of the known world. It shares the largest landmass in the world with the eastern continent, 
Kai'bal. To the west is the ocean of Avalon, the largest ocean on Unrehta, and to the east is the great desert, the Gap of Khans. This desert forms the natural divide between Envale and Kai'bal.


Lafantel is rich in tall mountains, the highest in the world. To the west lie the Lotel Mountains with its highest peak at Mount Hospit. These mountains contain large deposits of clay and salt, giving the slopes hues of red and white. Throughout the summer and autumn months, the salt binds together, forming massive crystals, and because there is so much salt in the mountains, only the highest peaks retain much snow in the winter. In the middle of the region is the Chattelle Mountain Range, named after the mythical hero Chattelle. It is said that when Chattelle slew an ancient dragon, its body fell to Unrehta, forming the mountain range. In the north, the orc homeland of the Black Crag Mountains. These mountains get their name from the high concentration of Augite. Because of this, the Black Crag Mountains tend to have more rectangular faces and a black color.   Rivers in Lafantel flow southward, generally. The largest river, passing through the great marshlands, is the Chassig River. Much of the Chassig consists of rapids, tossing up water upon the rocks. It flows sharply down the hills between the Chattelle and Black Crag until it hits the flatter land of the great marshlands, spilling water into it. At the northern end of the marshlands is the Chassig Falls. The water flows exceptionally fast off the edge to a point where a permanent mist forms at the top of the falls. The area near the bottom of the waterfall is in a state of perpetual rain as a result.

Fauna & Flora

The whole of the continent is covered in massive forests consisting of mostly broad leafed, deciduous trees: oak, ash, elm and elder wood. On the forest floor, a variety of small bushes and ferns find sunlight in between gaps of the canopy. Animals such as deer, goats, wolves, bears, eagles, hawks, foxes, rabbits, beavers, bison, lynx, sparrows, ravens, and humming birds can be found throughout the forests and mountains.   To the north among the Elven forestdoms, the impossibly dense and ancient Tornano Forest spreads across for hundreds of miles. The trees there have been growing for thousands of years, many stretching more than 400ft. tall. Not much is know of the forest within, as it is guarded by the elves from outsiders. Those who've managed to venture in and return describe the inner forest as a perpetually dark realm, illuminated in areas by luminous fungus. The wildlife tends towards more extreme adaptations: predators with extreme killing implements, and prey with incredible defensive abilities, but the wildlife remains just as mysterious and unknown as the forest itself.

Natural Resources

The largest resources produced in Lafantel are metals such as iron, gold, copper and a thriving timber trade. In the mountains and hills, people tend to raise sheep, grow wheats and other cereals. Lafantel is also known for its many flowers, such as the Toulon Mountain Iris.


  • Envale
    Defined by it's high mountains rich in precious metals and minerals, Envale sits as the west continent of the known world. It shares the largest landmass in the world with the eastern continent, Kai'bal. To the west is the Ocean of Avalon, the largest ocean on Unrehta, and to the east is the great desert, the Gap of Khans. This desert forms the natural divide between these two continents.


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