Wither Material in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil


Ichor of the Void
Wither is a physical embodiment of Vacuus, seen commonly in the Dark Tapestry and on the Material Plane. It is the topic of thousands of papers surrounding the denizens of the Dark Tapestry -- especially in the writings of Albus Rickette, the Cult of the Elder Mythos, and the Dominion of the Black -- but very little is known about the substance.


Physical & Chemical Properties

Wither remains in a liquid state regardless of temperature, and displays a strange mix of high viscosity and a fast flow rate. In addition, Wither does not reflect light, and thus is strange to behold with the common eye. The main barrier to research is that even gods can be contaminated by the substance, and thus few mortals within their right mind would come within a hundred yards of it. Those who remain in contact with Wither for too long are subject to a unique and deadly curse, resulting in the creation of a Wither Wraith -- or in more rare cases, a Wither Ghast.

History & Usage


A number of works by Albus Rickette (such as the Duality of Divinity: Foreword) discuss embodiments of Vacuus, where Wither is described as a component of wicked rituals performed by the Dark Fey. Some believe that the Azlanti people dabbled in the applications of Wither, but records of their studies are limited due to the Gap. The substance was not commonly known until roughly 270 AG, when prominent studies from Lod Coster and his team brought the subject of Wither out of arcane tomes and into the scientific spotlight.

Everyday use

Planar scholars are certain that Wither continues to be a valuable ritual component for the Dark Fey, and is used for similar magic by the cultists on Aucturn. Scholars in the Pact Worlds are able to purchase samples of Wither from Aucturn for study, but its usage is heavily regulated, and those samples are weighed regularly by the Stewards to ensure that not even a single drop goes missing.


In a landmark study by Lod Coster, the scientist hypothesized that Wither could be refined back into Vacuus via immense magical pressure, which he then demonstrated on a single drop in his lab. The result was indeed Vacuus, but the resulting elemental shift caused an implosion that destroyed the entire building, killing over a dozen members of the faculty, and two students. While not directly banned, the study of Wither refinement has been taboo ever since, and no further works have been published.


Trade & Market

The ichor of the Void is exteremely valuable among members of the Cult of the Elder Mythos and the Dominion of the Black -- particularly those that do not have access to the abundance present on Aucturn. Scholars may purchase the substance at a premium (usually upwards of 100,000 credits for a small vial), but its trade is almost as heavily-regulated as its usage, and thus few academic institutions are willing to purchase it.


Wither can only be stored in vessels made of materials from the Dark Tapestry, such as glass made from the blackened sand. No matter the care or strength of the magic holding the substance in place, it eventually finds a way to seep through, even if it takes hundreds of years.

Law & Regulation

Possessing Wither outside Aucturn or one of the Stewards-recognized educational facilities is considered a felony in the Pact Worlds. Wither is rated a Grade 7 substance, the most lethal rating observed by the Pact Worlds Alliance, and those caught smuggling it are often given life in prison.
Artwork by Olya Bossak
Boiling / Condensation Point
Melting / Freezing Point
Common State
Related Locations

Articles under Wither

Cover image: by Olya Bossak


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