Three Zs Prose in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil

Three Zs

We begin the dream on Golarion, hovering over the titanic sprawl of Absalom, slowly drifting towards the northern wall, and the Azlanti Keep. Even from this distance, the growing goblinoid horde is evident, backed by their demon queen. The line between the two forces seems closer now -- the citizens of Absalom pushed back. At the very edge of the fortifications, steam engines linked to cannons belch ammunition into the goblin ranks, but notably, Aziz is not among them.

Instead, we drift to the belly of the Keep, towards the chambers of a far more civilized goblin. We see a training room, where a flurry of sparks rages off of Aziz’s mighty armor. Esmerelda dances about him, placing hits where she can, but is unable to land a deciding blow. In the background, a haggard woman watches their movements, an eyepatch covering the ragged mess of a scar across her left eye -- Euridice, the Crimson Flash.

Euridice: “Stop.”

Ez stops her sword midswing, ready to slice into Aziz’s armpit -- which the hulking tinkerer would have been too slow to stop -- but then notices Aziz stuck in a similar motion, a titanic, metallic fist bearing down at her temple.

Euridice: “Aziz. You rely too heavily on your armor. Esmerelda, you rely too heavily on your size. The Knights are trained to deal with both. If you are to best the Initiate Trials… You will need more, much more.”

Ez and Aziz nod, mentally processing the sparring match, and then reset their feet.

Euridice: “Good. Now try to beat your opponent without dying. Go!”

The fellow warriors close the gap, and the dream fades…


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