Starmetal Puzzle Cube Item in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil

Starmetal Puzzle Cube

This puzzle cube was made of some kind of unique star metal, which only took on a color when touched, and seemed incredibly resistant to both kinetic and magical interference. Pin left it in the holding lockers of the Jasper as a parting gift for Chad , but her note seemed to imply that she was ignorant of its true nature, only that she had stolen it from someone, and thought it was pretty.     Over time, Chad discovered that once the puzzle was solved, the object became more advanced, adding an additional side and an increasingly-complex color structure. He and Isra soon became convinced that the "cube" was actually some kind of box, but it wasn't clear what, or why anyone would store something in such a unique container.   Throughout their adventures, Chad solved the puzzle three times, learning a little bit about basic game design with each attempt. On his final success, the cube erupted into an array of light, which burned away to reveal the Infinite Dodecahedron.
Item type
Current Holder
1 lb.
5 in. x 5 in. x 5 in.


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