Mantle of the Twisted Soul Myth in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil

Mantle of the Twisted Soul

The Mantle of the Twisted Soul was birthed onto the Material Plane with Cornelius, and seems completely unique to the Shape Squirrel -- likely imbued with power due to his connection with Isra through the Mantle of the Shepherd. Compared to the other Mantles worn by the Dream Team, this Mantle is especially weak, treated as a "Level 1" Mantle by the system (the party's Mantles are considered "Level 5").  

Powers & Abilities

  • Twisted Soul (1 Round, 1/Day): You target an enemy within 60 feet of your current position, and focus your mind on all that makes up the sum of their existence. As a creature used to changing their form, you recognize the markers required to become this individual during a full round of study, and began the relatively slow process of manipulating your body during that time. On the beginning of your next turn, you become an exact replica of the target, their equipment (excluding artifacts), and their abilities (save those granted by deities, Saints, or Mantles of Power) and may act as if you were that person for a single round. You may cast spells and abilities that last for several rounds, but if the effect source requires Concentration, the effect vanishes at the beginning of your next turn, as you are reduced back to your original body.
Artwork by Jose Pacheco
Telling / Prose
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