Logan's Sickle Item in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil

Logan's Sickle

This golden sickle once belonged to a prominent priest of the Mad Ravel, used to kill the sacrifice that summoned the storm of Ana-Men into the Mirror of Azlant. Thousands of years later, it is still charged with that raw power, with echoes of lightning still visible along the blade’s reflection.  


While largely useless as a melee weapon, this item is a significant source of energy, and can be used to create three unique effects while held.  
  • Fester and Set (Standard, 1/Day): Pointing the sickle at a target within 60 ft., you place a curse on an enemy that decries the folly of men (DC 15 + character level negates). If the creature fails its saving throw, they are immediately Sickened, and begin a process of rotting that takes place over several rounds, progressing to Sickened and Flat-Footed, then Sickened/Flat-Footed/Staggered, then Nauseated and Flat-Footed, then Nauseated and Prone, then Helpless and Prone, then Unconscious, and then Dead — with their entire body collapsing into sand. Each round, the target may make another Fortitude saving throw to stop the progression of the curse for that round, but require three consecutive saves for the curse to stop progressing. Alternatively, you may cancel this curse as a Standard action at any time, assuming the target is still within range. Regardless of how the curse ends, the creature does not heal naturally from this curse’s effects until after a long rest. If a condition is removed by a spell or spell effect while the curse is progressing, that condition returns on the following round, unless the healing effect specifies otherwise.
  • Breathe (Reaction, 3/Day): When struck by a melee or ranged attack but before damage is revealed, you release a little of what holds you to this realm, and gain a 50% miss chance against the inciting event. This is not concealment or cover, but may still be thwarted by rare, advanced abilities that specifically guarantee a hit when activated (which usually require RP to use).
  • Birth the Maelstrom (Full Action, 1/Week): While standing outside in an area with an atmosphere, you summon a memory of the maelstrom, creating an effect similar to the cosmic eddy spell, but with the following additions:
    • While the maelstrom is summoned by magical means and can be disrupted on casting, the storm itself is not magic, cannot be dispelled once created, and is not hindered by Spell Resistance. The storm can be banished by other means, such as effects that calm storms or control the weather.
    • The DC for the maelstrom's effects is equal to 14 + the invoker's highest mental ability score modifier.
    • The area of the effect is a half-mile radius spread.
    • The winds deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage/character level instead of 4d6.
    • Starting from the second round since casting (after damage and the possibility of falling prone is resolved), all enemies of Large size or smaller in the area of effect are moved in a random direction (roll 1d8) by 1d6 feet. This movement does trigger Attacks of Opportunity. Enemies that are immune to combat manuevers or repositioning are immune to this effect.
    • Starting from the second round since casting, at the beginning of the invoker's turn, the storm randomly selects an enemy within the effect and strikes them with a lightning bolt (10d6 electricy damage, Reflex save halves).
  This item does not count against the maximum number of magic items you can carry at any given time, but takes up a hand slot when in use. This item cannot be held by creatures infused by the powers of Divinity.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Holder


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