Divinity, Anguish, and Enlightenment in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil

Divinity, Anguish, and Enlightenment

After completing the cycle described in Apotheosis and Nadir, your character has undergone some drastic changes! You might be a demigod, a powerful mortal, or something strange and in between... Regardless, you should now have access to a new list of abilities, which you may unlock through points of Divinity (Apotheosis Demigod), Anguish (Nadir Mortal), or Enlightenment (Endless). This document describes some changes to your character depending on the choices you made, and offers some guidance on gaining points to further your abilities.

Apotheosis Demigod (Divinity)

You are more like the gods that mortals worship, and have taken a half-step into the essence of the divine. You grow from gaining points of Divinity, which are unlocked by killing divine creatures, demonstrating mastery over your existing portfolio, or even as rewards from other deities. With each piece of this essence you absorb you become more tied to the Infinity Petal, allowing you to bend the rules that mortals consider law, and dabble with alternate powers outside the realm of magic.   Compared to the other two types, you will have a harder time Hopping, and are susceptible to artifacts designed to harm deities, e.g. the Shards of Mortal Anguish. In general, the powers you unlock are relatively grandiose, such as breaking reality, gaining mastery of entires planes of existence, or bonding an entire species to your will.   As a member of your party, you are likely a potent source of offensive power, mixed with a level of utility that can shake up any tough situation.

Nadir Mortal (Anguish)

You have rejected godhood, and solidified your mortal soul into something strong enough to live outside this Petal. You grow from gaining points of Anguish, which are unlocked by the tremendous pain and suffering that comes with ripping your essence away from home. Seek great challenges, complete tasks that other mortals claim are impossible, and slay monstrosities that attempt to sunder the realms. With each point of Anguish gained, you become a little less of this Petal, making it easier for you to leave it, and to manipulate that which lies at the edge of all things.   Compared to the other two types, you will find that fewer native creatures are willing to help you, and that your options for advancement are similar to other Nadir mortals. In general, the Saints will no longer offer you blessings, and in most cases you cannot be affected by them. The powers you unlock will often surround rejection of reality, and skills that lead to your own self advancement.   As a member of your party, you are likely a powerful line of defense for your allies, or a paragon of individualism that ever-expands on their existing skills.

Endless (Enlightenment)

You're something else. Neither deity or mortal, you are caught in an endless flux of astral identity, never quite sure when you'll switch from one phase into the next. You grow by gaining points of Enlightenment, which are unlocked by discovering secrets about the nature of all existence, the history of the Petals, and the complex nature of your true self. With each point of Enlightenment gained, the gap between your two states becomes smaller, and may eventually evolve into something stranger...   Compared to the other two types, you have far less control over your powers, and may lose access to abilities based on the state you find yourself in. However, this makes you harder to pin down, and diversifies the skills available in your tree. The powers you unlock are likely tied to laws that define all of reality (such as the Song), and can lead to either the greatest of discoveries, or the most horrific despair.   As a member of your party, you are likely to be weaker in combat, but are at your strongest when the chips are down. As all such endless beings are unique, no one knows how to handle you, and your strange knowledge and expertise can turn the entire campaign on its head.

Cover image: Wall of Runes by Zezhou Chen
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