Binder's Gem Item in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil

Binder's Gem

Binder's Gem is a magical emerald encased in a gold-plated iron lattice, with a chain long enough to wear around one's neck. The gem is the phylactery of the Lich wizard known a "B", which she claims is short for Binder. The necklace was discovered in the Rambling Road as the reward for completing the Fourth Avenue.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

While the necklace itself has no mechanical function other than containing a soul, Binder herself is an incredibly valuable resource, and a master of imprisonment magics. She treats whomever wears the necklace as her current partner, but the necklace will slip off of any creature of evil alignment. A secondary enchantment placed on the necklace forbids B from helping the wearer on their journey throught he Rambling Road, which begins and ends as the necklace passes through a door activated by a Road Key.
Current Holder
Owning Organization

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