Akrasia Material in The Castraversi | World Anvil
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Not long after the massive cosmic disruption that the settlements recorded in history as The JurakanThe Subselar Boundary of the Castraversi was formed as a region between Otapi and a number of Selars that were formed as an after result of the cosmic event. Following this region's birth, strange deposits of a mineral were found near the Margins, the areas that connect the settlements to the Subselar's greater area. The mineral had a name to the Ara now lost to time, but to the Ars scientists and engineers that found it, it was given the designation "Akrasia", or mineral chaos.    By all known scientific methods, Akrasia defies a simple explanation. It is both a material substance that can be extracted from deposits located near Margins territories, but it also is observed to be constantly changing internally, creating small but significant chemical interactions within its solid form. Refined by Ars technology, it can be used to power weapons, enhance the speed of their transport vessels, and maintain electricity on their major exospheric dwellings in Sector Kelm which are located in the divided space between the Forms and the Subselar itself, preventing the loss of energy in such a difficult place to remain.    It is not to say that this material is infinitely full of potential and is without issue. Akrasia is volatile and has to be treated with the utmost care, otherwise it can and has caused massive explosions and destruction of property. Akrasia is often described as disadvantageous for the Ars' goals to expand further into the Yirim and many in higher authority denounce its use due to the expensive repairs often required during catastrophic events from Akrasia's volatility. Nevertheless, Akrasia still is used by major corporations due to easy access and the fact they can use Xalians to retrieve it.   Some plan to find a way to replace it with alternative energy sources, but until then, current refining techniques to harvest Akrasia's energy properties are the go-to when it comes to getting fast and seemingly infinite resource of fuel for any operation.
Elemental / Molecular

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