Wares District (Eaglehaven) Settlement in The Bridging Lands | World Anvil
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Wares District (Eaglehaven)

The Wares District is the southernmost part of Eaglehaven. Anyone entering the city this way will have to vie for space on the roads with dozens of pack animals and carts carrying wares coming in and out of the city. The main road is paved and leads to the South Gates. Past the gates are a large collection of warehouses and storehouses. If goods are dangerous, in need of quarantine, or simply not need within the city, they will be stored in this part of the city whenever possible.   Two bridges lead into the city: Victory Bridge is the main bridge connecting South Gates and leading all the way to the Justice Halls; the Muddy Crossing is the secondary crossing and is mostly used by the Wares District workers.   The only Food serving establishment in the District is the Burning Inn.
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