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The Jagged Peaks


The Jagged Peaks stands at the northern edge of the Pinelands. Part of the Dragon Range, natural erosion has sculpted this part of the mountains into tall peaks shrouded in mist. The peaks provide a slightly easier passage between the Pinelands and the Wolf Hills further north but the area is also known to be home to one of the few active portals that lead directly to the Shimmering Vales, leading to the area being traveled only by the locals, experienced guides, or those desperate enough to risk it all.   Beside its trademark peaks, the area features a large network of underground rivers and caves that were created through natural erosion of the limestone that predominantly compose this part of the mountains. The World Tree is also within the peaks: situated in a 10-mile wide and one-mile deep sinkhole, this area has grown into a swamp-like place and host at its very centre is a 3-mile high red oak tree. Druids from around the world come in pilgrimage to the World Tree.

Fauna & Flora

The Jagged Peaks are home to a host of fauna and flora that cannot be found anywhere else. This is due in small part due to the portal to the Shimmering Vales that is hidden in the area.     Red oak and steelwood trees grow on the lower hills nestled among the peaks. The last one is prized by druids and rangers to make weapons and armours that are nearly as strong as metal-based steel. But it is also a very difficult process and the wood is generally transported to Pinerest or Eaglehaven for the wood to be crafted into said weapons. Clay in a wide variety of natural colours can be found just feet from the surface and a good numbers of semi-precious gems can be mined from the natural cave systems below the ground. The cave systems, with their naturally damp and dark environment, are perfect for a wide variety of mushrooms to grow. Among those are the Bluebell Cap and the Russet Shanklet, the first a notorious poison reagent and the second a well-known delicacy.   The peaks house a number of species of drakes, smaller cousins to the dragon. They also host draxeons and blue goats, the most resilient and acrobatic species in existance.


The Jagged Peaks played quite an important part in the campaign to restore the Free Cities. As a natural break in the Dragon Range, forces made up of wildlings from the Wolf Hills, barbarian tribes from the High Reaches, and some of the armies from Zodallos used the peaks to cross into the Pinelands and cut off the Blanchian armies. These forces continued along the eastern side of the Dragon Range and used the Pine Woods as cover to get as far south as Bruderhead. This allowed the Alliance to flank the armies of the Dynasty and force them into a stalemate.
Rock Formation
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