Summer Bronchitis Condition in The Bridging Lands | World Anvil
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Summer Bronchitis

Transmission & Vectors

Summer bronchitis is an airborne virus primarily but can also be transmitted by touch. It is not dangerous to those who have not fallen victims to the initial bronchitis strand however people who have come in contact with the virus may unknowingly spread the disease by coughing or touching surfaces. Those who have had bronchitis in previous months but have recovered naturally will be less at risk of Summer Bronchitis than those who chose or had to take a remedy potion. If a carrier comes in contact with a recovered patient and transmits the disease, whether knowingly or unknowingly, it will take a week for the first symptoms to appear.


Summer bronchitis is usually triggered by a poorly-brewed remedy for common bronchitis. The virus, rather than be eliminated by the potion, will go dormant for a short period and incubate within the host body. After 6 to 8 months, the virus will mature and spread though the body.


Like most types of bronchitis, the major symptom of summer bronchitis is a hacking cough. Contrarily to the common variant of this, a green-pink secretion will be brought back from the lungs, rather than the usual yellow-grey phlegm. Other symptoms may include: 
  • sore throat
  • headache
  • runny or blocked nose
  • aches and pains
  • tiredness
  • elevated temperature
  • difficulty breathing (shortness of breath or wheezing)
The cough may last for up to five weeks. Contrarily to common bronchitis, respiratory difficulties are quite common with summer bronchitis and should be monitored as they can become life threatening.


Like normal bronchitis, mild symptoms can be managed without the help of a potion or other remedy. Getting plenty of rest, drinking lots of water, and using basic potions or herbal remedies to reduce fever and manage any pain will be sufficient in most cases. Additional help from a healer should be sought immediately if any breathing difficulties are noticed in order to prevent further medical complications, such as pneumonia or chronic breathing problems.
Affected Species


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