The Divine Machine Geographic Location in The Brass Realms | World Anvil
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The Divine Machine

The Divine Machine, also known as the "God Machine", "Great Mechanism", "Deus Machina" or "Realm of Order" is the center of the Brass realms universe. It is the home of the Mechanoids.

A world unseen: The Divine Machine is a layer of reality, akin to a hidden world that underlies all of the brass realms. It is a universe-sized machine of brass and steel, of gears and pipes as far as the eye can see.
This unfathomably large machine actively maintains the known universe and all the realms within. It does so without any trace of its activities ever being visible unless something goes wrong. It dictates the physical laws by which most worlds operate, along with regulating many of the metaphysical ones. Scholar speculate that the Divine Machine even facilitates the laws of arcane spellwork.

A world locked away: The divine machine is hidden between the material world and the Spirit World. It can only be accessed by those in the know about the machine's secrets. It may choose to open pathways if it needs to assert its influence more directly to stabilize a world or to allow the Mechanoids to travel to a location, but almost never does so.
However there does exist one reliable way to access the Divine Machine, one permanent gateway into this realm of absolute order accessible to those not in the know: The Brass Heart.

The Brass Heart: The Brass heart floats at the absolute center of the Astral Sea. The heart of Brass is not the actual heart of the Divine Machine, as that would be the seat of Primus. Instead is is named such because it is at the center of the Astral sea and was named by the first mortal explorers of the Astral before the full size of the realm of the Divine Machine was discovered.
The Heart looks from a distance like a world-sized brass orb with a grainy surface. However upon closer inspection the orb is composed of a dizzying array of gears, pipes, support beams and complex mechanisms designed for some unknowable purpose.
If one were to approach, they would find that the world would become larger and larger the closer they came, until such a point where they would look back and see the astral sea as a sphere of pale light in the same way thay previously beheld the great machine - the world that now surrounds them in all directions. Scholars claim that if one was able to explore the plane, they would eventually find another sphere that leads to the spirit world.

Order as a natural Law

the Divine Machine is a World in of itself, a bastion of absolute law and as such randomness cannot exist here. The presence of the Overdeity Primus at the heart of the Divine Machine, by his sheer presence alone, enforces absolute order.
The Divine Machine thus is actively dangerous to most mortals, including Humans. Mortals inside the Divine Machine are slowly made orderly, in mind, body and soul. One might find it hard to breathe or talk, the mind becomes adoring of order and uniformity. Loyalties shift and the body slowly turns to metal as with every tick of the precisely calibrated apparatus, a mortal gets closer to being a part of the great working. Mortals can live only a limited duration in this realm.

Even in the city of Ezria, floating above the Brass heart, there are profound effects, such as objects dropped to the ground falling lined up north to south or east to west, dice rolling the average amount, shuffled cards ending up ordered low to highest, etc.

The Heart of the Realms

The Divine Machine, as the literal supporting mechanism of the Realms, is responsible in part for the creation of new worlds, along with 'decomissioning' worlds if they become unstable. It has also been known that if somehow a section of the divine machine is damaged, the consequences for the worlds that section is responsible for maintaining can be apocalyptic.


Main article: Mechanoids.

The creatures inhabiting the Divine Machine are referred to as Mechanoids. These beings seem like strange amalgamations of metal to outsiders, but they are flawless organisms of pure order. They do not tire, they do not become ill, they do not stray from their assigned task. Every single one of them is part of a collective mind and talking to one is akin to talking to the whole; they have no individuality.
The Mechanoids work tirelessly to uphold law throughout the realms and they do not hesitate to throw themselves at any potential threat in the thousands until that threat is neutralized.
After all, Mechanoids are disposable. Billions of Mechanoids are formed continuously at the heart of the Divine Machine at all times and a destroyed Mechanoid's body can be repaired or reclaimed. Even if a body cannot be reclaimed, the missing energy is substituted by drawing it from the pool otherwise used to create new worlds, allowing for an endless supply.
While the mechanoids uphold order, for a mortal to lay upon a mechanoid unit means that something has gone very, very wrong.

A typical small section of the Divine Machine
The God-Machine

Astral Sea (Center)
The Spirit world (?)

Realm Cloud Description:


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