Ezria in The Brass Realms | World Anvil
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Located high above The Brass Heart, Ezria is a giant city built atop a gigantic brass spire that extends for thousands of miles above the great heart of the realms.

Ezria sits suspended directly in the Astral Sea, a unique location that is not threatened by its ever-churning currents.

Imposed Order

Due to its proximity to The Brass Heart, Ezria is utterly suffused by law. The city has equal amounts light and dark, hot and cold, objects dropped to the ground fall lined up north to south or east to west, dice roll the average amount, shuffled cards end up ordered low to highest, etc.

In addition the city of Ezria is secured by the Mechanoids. They keep strict law in the city and deal with any issues that arise, as well as any criminals or troublemakers, especially reacting to instances of violence.
The Mechanoids however don't support the city in any other way than keeping public violence suppressed, all infrastructure besides the Infinite Archway are not maintained by the Mechanoids and instead are maintained by the inhabitants.
The reason the Mechanoids suppress violence within the city is that the Mechanoids react to anything that would threaten the Divine Machine itself. If anything happening in Ezria were to even slightly threaten the Divine Machine, the Mechanoids would immediately respond with large-scale force and attack everything even vaguely connected with the threat.
In order to avoid their wrath, the inhabitants do their best to self-regulate as much as possible.

Realmwide bustle:

Ezrias inhabitants are governed largely by influential traders that control the marketplaces and various establishments around the city. They build houses, collect rent, engage in trade as well as back-room dealings, poisonings and other assassinations.
Ezrias nature as a nexus of travel and the safety assured by the Mechanoids means that it is an ideal location for goods from all around the realms to be traded. Despite the vast distances needed to arrive here, nearly anything from across the mortal realms can be found here, Dvuergr metals and weapons or Sidhe artworks are just the beginning.

Subtle Warfare

Certain Factions of the multiverse are constantly vying for control of Ezria, more speciffically its markets and ports.
However, this war is a quiet one, as the conflict can never be allowed to escalate to street violence, as that would attract the attention of the Mechanoids. So instead it is a war of information, intrigue and Trade, of backroom dealings and assassinations.

Notable Locations

The Infinite Archway

Inside a hall at the center of Ezria, there is a Brass Building that is actually the top of the spire atop of which Ezria rests.
Inside this building, guarded by four enormous Mechanoid Guardians, there is brass spire inscribed with modron runes that explain what the spire is and how it can be used.
This spire is a Realm-gate; the most extraordinary realm-gate in all of the brass realms: it allows passage to dozens of different worlds all across the Brass Realms and allows for multiple portals to be opened at once. It is through this gateway that Ezria is even accessible to the wider universe and how the famed traders get to the fabled marketplace.
Several of the more advanced and wealthy species of the Brass realms have constructed custom realm-gates on their own worlds that are paired with the infinite archway; allowing them direct access to ezria without having to first trek through other worlds to get to a nexus-point that connects to it; something not possible with any other realm-gate.

However, that is not all. There are keys, scattered throughout the Brass Realms, that when applied to the archway, open a portal to the corresponding location, somewhere in the multiverse.

Each key connects to a certain location, and is destroyed once used. These keys are often given out by the Mechanoids as payment for services rendered, or traded for favors or currency. Rarely, Keys without a set location are discovered. These keys are highly desired, as they grant the user access to literally anywhere in the mortal realms, or at least anywhere that is not protected from teleportation.

The Hall of Concordance

After repeated prodding from the mortal races, the Mechanoids have sent representatives to an ornate Hall in Ezria where applicants from all over the multiverse can appear before the impartial justice of Order.
Here contracts can be made to be enforced by the mechanoids, conflicts mediated by a truly neutral and uncaring authority, and keys for the infinite Archway acquired as rewards and in exchange for rare things that the Divine Machine has an interest in.

The Underhive

The City of Ezria has been built over millennia, with many civilizations building atop the structures of those that came before. This has lead to the continuing growth of the city, but also to the underground being a sprawling maze of steel and stone. Former dwellings, places of industry and commerce or places of worship.
These tunnels are cramped, dark, structurally unstable, and the inhabitants do not often venture down here.
The underhive holds a not insignifficant infestation of Ghost spiders.

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