Kar-Kut <Destroyed> Geographic Location in The Brass Realms | World Anvil
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Kar-Kut <Destroyed>

The Fire world of kar Kut is the burning remnants of a former human world. After an ancient catastrophe caused the world to explode, the shattered fragments still orbit its core of elemental fire.

Broken Pieces: Kar kut might at one point have been a fertile world covered in Life. However the planets crust shattered at some point in the past, leaving pieces of it drifting through empty air. The world's oceans evaporated long ago and rain is sparse; life on this world is exceptionally difficult. Nevertheless there is ecosystems underneath the surface, shielded from the heat.

Remnants of an ancient people

The Asteroid Belt of Kar-Kut is littered with ancient ruins of former Humanity. In these ruins can be found the burnt out remains of cities, temples and fortresses.

Dead Ancestors: The Remains of Kar-Kut are inhospitable to living beings. However, in the time since its annihilation the ruins have become populated by the former inhabitants, returned as ghosts.

Ashes Remain: The ruins of Kar-Kut are largely destroyed, the most valuable things harveste by various scavengers over the years. Nevertheless, many valuables still remain within the abandoned ruins where the undead have not yet been banished, where the native life is exceptionally hostile or structural damage has prevented exploration.

A scorched behemoth

Floating near the world's molten core is an ancient world-ship of old humanity. It was once built to sail the Astral Sea, however now it simply floats unresponsive near the blazing heat of the core. If one were to prepare themselves, they could mount an expedition to this ancient derelict, but what could be found here is unclear.


Kar-Kut used to be humanity's homeworld and the jewel of their civilisation.
This was until the War of Burning Skies. During this war, the cities of the world were suddenly destroyed due to an act of betrayal.
In the weeks afterwards, many refugees fled the planet, particularly towards Haven and Lucelain using Realm-gates in mass rituals, burning through all available resources to make a path for survival.
In the days after the devastation of the world, the forces of Order arrived and detonated the world.

Shattered World
Fire World
Dead World

Material Realms
Nova Cluster

Realm Cloud Description:
Kar-Kut's Realm Cloud looks like multiple small red clouds smelling of ash and smoke

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