Canoth The Jailer Character in The Brass Realms | World Anvil
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Canoth The Jailer

The Devourer, The Jailer, Bane of Kings, Lord of the dead, Scourge of the Living, Demon Friend.
These and more are titles given to the oldest known Necromancer on Haven: Canoth Oharad, Lich of Eifera.

Canoth is old. very old. He has sat on the ruling council of the mageocratic Ravil Empire ever since that council existed and has 'lived' since far before then. He has switched identities multiple times, but scattered reports across history mention him even during the War of Tyrants and various events since.

Canoth is an accomplished mage and necromancer. He has in the past called upon legions of Undead soldiers whenever the need arose. He does not usually personally involve himself in the affairs of those he deems lesser, which is most people. He spends his time within his arcane sanctuary conducting experiments and studying the fabric of the universe.

Canoth Dwells within his city of Eifera in quiet. His minions sweep through the criminal underworld of the city every few years, capturing as many brigands and criminals alive to be never seen again.
Additionally, any person who dies inside the city is carried off to be laid to rest within a massive underground tomb-complex.

  • Being the oldest 'living' Human.
  • Being the most knowledgeable mage on Haven.
  • Ruling his own city, tough with a very loose attitude

The Truth
Canoth is ancient, a sorcerer from before the War of Burning Skies. He lerned the art of necromancy of old humanity and was practicing it long before it was rediscovered during the Necromancer Crisis. He was not the most brilliant or most powerful, merely lucky enough to get his hands on a method of extending his life and survive long enough to become an expert in his chosen field. He has long since left behind his humanity after many highly invasive modifications made to his body and soul.

The Devourer has long since left his humanity behind. He is calm, polite, analytical and logical. However he is fundamentally a psychopath who lacks empathy. He cares about his research and his plans, and does not care what he has to do to achieve his goals. The Jailer does not do things for his own ego, neither does he make overly elaborate plans. Cold and calculating, Canoth prefers to act in the shadows and over long spans of time.

The Jailer has mastered most forms of magic, including alchemy, arcane magic, nature magic, spirit magic, divine magic and even chaos magic. He does not practise them all equally however, focusing on necromancy and arcane magic most of all.

He is favored by Xaaris for his continued research into the laws of reality, and priests of Xaaris cooperate with Canoth wherever possible as a result.

If he wanted it, canoth could have ascended to Divinity long ago. He has the resources, power and knowledge to achieve this. However he does not, for it would mean subjugating himself to the will of The divine Machine and this is unacceptable to the arch-lich.

Canoth's ultimate goal is to build his own brass realms, to create a new home for humanity, away from the machinations of the gods. He has already built a prototype; The great Labyrinth of Eifera. The Labyrinth exists in an extradimensional space and is connected to several entrances across Haven. Notably, one of those entraces is in the Lionel County and is used by canoth for testing his creation.
The Labyrinth is a massive tomb-complex that at its heart imprisons the Nightmare King, contained here after the Nightmare Wars.


As a powerful mage, Canoth is able to take on many forms if he so chooses.
His true form is a gray skeleton encased in slender metal armor, made from rare metals and clearly magical even to the untrained eye.

Canoth never leaves his fortress with his true body, instead using proxies and puppet bodies almost exclusively. He is very paranoid about his safety.


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