Session 004 Report in The Bold Kobolds | World Anvil
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Session 004

General Summary

No Riskuit, No Cock Shaped Biscuit

    Started with the party in Cinderwick discussing their plans setting sail. They debated if they needed a sailor or a navigator and ultimately decided to settle on trying to find a navigator. After asking around Cinderwick, they discovered that they would have the best luck in Rissrodkah or Tigri as those two villages have been in the sailing trade longer than anyone else.

The party returned to their ship, The Far Seeker, and prepared to set sail for the first time. Znitch Bronzefoot took her place behind the wheel and began to shout instructions to the other party members to prep the ship. As the sails were dropped, the ship began to slowly move forward. Qeeq Blackfoot was given the task of untying the ship from the docks but was a bit slow. He managed to get all but one of the ropes loose. Suddenly, the ship lurched to a halt as the last remaining rope tightened. Seeing and hearing the wood on the dock begin to creak and bow, Znitch Bronzefoot threw one of her hatchets at the rope to sever it before it caused damaged. With the last rope free, the ship began to move out of the dock. Using the coastline as a guide, the party set sail for the first time on their way to Rissrodkah.

Their first voyage was peaceful and calm with no inclement weather to hinder them. They traveled for about 12 days following coast line until they came across a small island off the shores of eastern Nilrodhi. The area between the island and Nilrodhi was dotted with large jagged rocks shooting up from the water surface offering only small, tight corridors to pass through. Surveying the area, the party notice the tell-tale signs of shallow water by chaotic white caps splashing around the jagged rocks making the already tight corridors even tighter. The party decided to venture around the eastern side of the island to avoid the jagged rocks.

Coming around the eastern side, they noticed remnants of a possible ship wreck debris littering the eastern beach of the island. Qeeq Blackfoot spotted a sunken ship laying on the floor of the sea just off the starboard side of the ship. Znitch Bronzefoot halted the vessel and ordered the anchors to be dropped. Qeeq Blackfoot and Vec Nightstar dropped the anchors and the ship came to stop. The party discussed their plan and decided that they would attempt to dive down to the sunken ship to see what goods could be found. Tingle Bitter Dagger cast on Znitch Bronzefoot, Skaar Lost Tooth, Qeeq Blackfoot, and Vec Nightstar while he and Azrak Bronzefoot remained on board the ship to keep an eye on things. With the new ability to breathe in water, the four dove in.

Jumping into the waters, they began to dive down to the sunken ship. Now closer the sunken ship, they saw that it appeared to have been almost broken in half with a large hole exposing the lower decks. Znitch Bronzefoot and Vec Nightstar noticed a large fine of some underwater creature on the northern side of the sunken ship. Using the shadow of their ship above them for concealment, they began to stealthily make their way to the sunken ship. As they were attempting the move past the upper deck, Skaar Lost Tooth accidentally bumped a loose plank on the deck which sent up a large cloud of silt, which had rested on the deck, into the area around them. The great white shark that they had noticed earlier instantly turned toward them and began swimming towards them as fast as it could. It went straight for Skaar Lost Tooth, biting him with it's massive jaws and then savagely shaking him violently as it whipped its body side to side with the bite. Vec Nightstar, using the shadow from the ship above to his advantage, attacked from afar. Qeeq Blackfoot pulled out his daggers and started stabbing the shark that he was face to face with. Znitch Bronzefoot began to move behind the shark which drew it's attention and caused it to turn to her and take bite. She returned the favor by slicing it with her greatsword. Skaar Lost Tooth, using this momentary distraction, landed the killing blow by shoving his shortsword into the head of the shark. With a frantic wiggle and writhing the shark went limp.

The party gathered themselves and continued to explore the ship to find anything of interest. While exploring, Znitch Bronzefoot discovered a chest that had the familiar sparkle of gold and a picture frame containing a very faded depiction of a pink hued creature with hair just above, what appeared to be, it's mouth. She also managed to grab a worn, faded banner with the depiction of an octopus sewed into it. She grabbed the chest and the banner as she began to swim back to the surface with the chest and loaded it back onboard their ship with the help of Tingle Bitter Dagger and Azrak Bronzefoot. Vec Nightstar discovered a worn leather knapsack with wooden, cylindrical objects protruding from it. He grabbed the knapsack and hauled it back to the surface. Also, while he was searching the ship, he noticed that a lot of debris from the ship scattered out on the floor towards the mouth of a underwater cave. He took note of this and returned to the ship. Skaar Lost Tooth found a waterlogged burlap sack that was on the verge of deteriorating and wrapped it up in his cloak to bring back to the ship. Qeeq Blackfoot found another leather sack that contained several corked, undisturbed, bottles of various liquids and brought it back to the ship.

Once back on board, Tingle Bitter Dagger healed Skaar Lost Tooth of his wounds and the party began to dig through their loot. Znitch Bronzefoot tipped the chest over on the deck to spill its contents. Gold, silver, and copper coins spilled onto the deck as well as a few gems. Vec Nightstar fiddled with the wooden cylindrical objects and discovered that they twist at one end and open. Opening them, he found each contained a rolled piece of parchment, which to his surprise were not wet. Unrolling the scrolls and looking at them, a couple were in a language that he could understand. One appeared to be a list of items or goods that were on the vessel. He didn't recognize the names of items, they weren't anything he had seen before. The other document that he could read appeared to be some sort of trade agreement between a Kingdom of Reynir and a Kingdom of Imperos signed by a Sven Broddisson and a King Ralph Alfraye. The other scroll was written in a language completely unrecognizable to him. He wasn't sure if it was written or drawn. The marking were smooth with elegant twirls, loops, and peaks that seemed to have been made with only one smooth, fluid, pen stroke. Next to the scrolls, he also found a small metallic tube with glass on both ends. Playing with it, he discovered that it extended outward. When looking through it, far away objects appeared to be much closer. Skaar Lost Tooth, going through what he wrapped up in his cloak, found a couple of rusted daggers and waterlogged notebook. He set the notebook on the deck of the ship to dry out so he could go through it later on. Qeeq Blackfoot, going through the leather sack saw that it contained 6 bottles of different liquids that had been tightly sealed. After going through their loot, the party discussed the possibility of exploring the island or the underwater cave. They decided to just continue on to Rissrodkah and set sail with Znitch Bronzefoot piloting the ship and Vec Nightstar navigating

Wanting to do a wide birth around the island to avoid running aground, they quickly found themselves surrounded by water with no land in sight. Vec Nightstar sent Deydi out to search the area to help find the way back to shore. She came back and informed him that to the east there were seagulls flying and to the west there weren't any birds flying. Using this information, Vec Nightstar successfully navigated the ship back towards land and found themselves in Rissrodkah. During their attempt to dock in Rissrodkah, their coordination was a little off as their ship crashed into one of the docks, destroying most if it. They found that the hull of their ship had a couple of holes with planks from the dock jutting out of them. Two dock workers made their way over to the carnage. One was yelling and ranting about them destroying his dock, while the other looked over the damages. The party explained that they were part of the adventurers chosen by Nork Blackfoot and needed help navigating the sea and were in search of a navigator. The dock manager, Rark Lost Tooth, said if the party would agree to pay 300gp that he would have their ship repaired and would offer to teach anyone who was interested the basics of sailing and how to navigate. He also told the party that they could try searching the taverns for any sailors that would be willing to navigate for them. The party paid the 300gp and set out to search the taverns. They found Mogs and Snukke Lost Tooth in one of the taverns and pitched their plan. Mogs agreed to help them find a navigator but in return, he wanted them to send any possible trade to meet him at the island off of the eastern short of the The Lost Tooth Clan. He was planning to setup a private dock on the island and wanted to be the first to trade with the outside world. The party aggreged, and Mogs informed them that finding a sailor that is skilled enough, and willing to take a risk of never returning to Nilrodhi in their price range would be extremely difficult. He told them to give him a few days to ask around in his circle to see what he could find.

And that is where we left off. Will Mogs come through for the party? Will anyone take up Rark's offer to learn sailing and navigating?

Downtime Stuff

You have 30 days of downtime. 27 days being at sea and 3 days being in Rissrodkah. You can extend the number of downtime days in Rissrodkah if you want to accomplish more things during downtime there.

The Navigation/Sailing Training

This course would take 3 days, but if you decide to extend your downtime in Rissrodkah it will consume that time and offer greater buffs.

Navigation Training
  1. 3 days of training you will receive a +1 Status bonus to Survival Checks to Sense Direction.
  2. If you extend to 7 days, the bonus will increase to a +2
Sailing Training
  1. You become trained in the Sailing Lore to pilot the ship, if you are already trained you will receive a +1 Status Bonus to the Sailing Lore skill to pilot a ship
  2. If you extend to 7 days, you will become trained in the Sailing Lore and receive a +1 Status Bonus to the Sailing Lore skill to pilot a ship. If you were already trained in Sailing Lore prior to training, you will be come expert in Sailing Lore

Rewards Granted

1 x Scroll pertaining to a trade agreement between Reynir and the Kingdom of Imperos
1 x Scroll that seemed to be a manifest
1 x Scroll that the party was unable to read
1 x Waterlogged notebook that Skaar Lost Tooth is drying out in the hopes of reading
1 x Spyglass
2 x Rusted Daggers
Gold, silver, and copper coin
2 x Sea Touch Elixir's (Lesser)
3 x Potion's of Water Breathing
1 x Shielding Salve

And 200 XP

Character(s) interacted with

Rark Lost Tooth - Offered to teach anyone who was interested in how to sail or navigate.
Mogs Lost Tooth - Agreed to help the party find a navigator
Snukke Lost Tooth - Friend of Mogs, but didn't say anything
Report Date
27 Jan 2021
Primary Location

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