Session 002 Report in The Bold Kobolds | World Anvil
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Session 002

General Summary

Cinderwick in Flames

    We started with the party finishing up their downtime activities during their travel to Cinderwick. Tingle Bitter Dagger performed some CrossFit type exercises, he noticed that his reflexes seemed a bit better after exercising. Azrak Bronzefoot cooked during the travels. The unexpected homecooked meals while traveling energized the party and uplifted their spirits, giving them the motivation to put in that extra bit of effort into tasks. Vec Nightstar managed to pick the pockets of a few passerby's to secure some coin. Qeeq Blackfoot continued to take notes in his journal, looking for inspiration for his book.

As the party approached Cinderwick, they noticed bellows of thick black smoke on the horizon. Arriving at Cinderwick, they saw that several buildings were in flames and several dead kobolds laying on the ground. The once familiar sounds of music and cheer were now replaced with screaming, crying, and the crackling of wood as builds burn and crumble to the ground. Looking around, they saw several kobolds running around, many are carrying buckets and dumping them on fires nearby. Others were attending to the wounded, while a few seem to be in a state shock. You noticed that most of the buildings towards the center of the village appear to be untouched, while the buildings closer to the village edge are burning and collapsing. The party stopped one of the kobolds that was putting out fires to find out what was going on. The party learned that a group of Bronzefoot's that were resisting unification had attacked the village. They burned several of the outer lying building in Cinderwick and killed a few of the defense force before retreating back into the desert. The party met with Elder Uhso Bronzefoot to offer their services to help assist him with the chaos that was happening.

Elder Uhso pointed out on the map where he believe the rebel encampment to be and said that he had sent scouts to search the area. Tingle Bitter Dagger tried to track the rebels but the chaos of so many kobolds running around just made it too difficult to discern which footprints to follow. Qeeq Blackfoot used Znitch Bronzefoot's compass and lead the party to the location where Elder Uhso believed the encampment to be. As night began to fall, Znitch Bronzefoot and Azrak Bronzefoot noticed campfire light dancing against one of the mesa walls in the distance. The party quietly crept closer and moved into position. They saw four kobolds gathered around a campfire roasting a pig. They noticed that one of them was wearing the signature Bronzefoot Breastplate. Azrak Bronzefoot stepped directly out into the open approaching the encampment. One of the rebel, alerted the encampment that they were under attack. Rebel kobolds began to pour out of the tents, but were made short work of by the party. They were completely wiped, with 1 escaping and another being knocked unconscious by Znitch Bronzefoot.

The party decided to look for the one that got away, believing him to be the leader after the, now unconscious, kobold told them so. Tingle Bitter Dagger, putting his glasses to use, found it much easier to track footprints way out here. They followed the footprints for an hour, but still did not have any sight of the escapee. The party decided to secure their equipment, and their prisoner, and to make an all out dash in the direction the footprints were heading. After hustling for 10 minutes, the party comes to a stop, bent over trying to catch their breath. Looking around, they noticed a tail of a kobold sticking out from behind a bolder. The party attempts to sneak forward but the Kobold is alerted when Znitch Bronzefoot kicks a pile of small rocks by mistake. Seeing the tail slip behind the boulder, Znitch Bronzefoot and Vec Nightstar rush forward. As Znitch Bronzefoot comes around the boulder to face the kobold, he makes a wild swing at her and misses. His sword clangs against the bolder beside him loudly as the vibrations cause him to drop his sword. He instantly surrenders.

The party learns his name is Yinlak and that he was forced to join the group after the rebels attacked his small village. He appears to just be an adolescent and is certainly not battle hardened. He swore to the party that he didn't burn anything in Cinderwick but was just the look out. He told them that he knew of another camp between Kidhale and Gren, in the middle of the desert where no one really goes. The party learned that this group of rebels worked with another group from the north of Cinderwick to plan the attack. The party took Yinlak back to where they had secured most of their equipment and the other prisoner who was still unconscious in the back of the cart. They camped there until morning.

In the morning, they returned to Cinderwick. They see that repairs are already in progress and most of the charred wood and rubble have been removed. Buildings are being repaired and construction is definitely taking place. They saw a wooden outhouse that had three young kids surrounding it. The young kobolds had placed a wooden plank across the door trapping whoever was inside. They start rocking the outhouse from side to side, attempting to tip it while a males voice yelled from inside. The kids tip the outhouse and from inside the males voice screams, “Whoa, whoa, whoa!!” The kids burst with laughter as the outhouse lands on it’s side and this thick brownish liquid flows from the seams of the door. The kids take off running, their laughter echoing through the village streets. From inside the outhouse, “Oh… oh… it's everywhere… oh… oh god! I’m going to kill you!” Qeeq Blackfoot steps to the tipped over outhouse and removes the wooden plank that was blocking the door. The door flings open as a wave of this liquid spills out onto the ground. The kobold that was trapped inside, stands up with his arms held out to his side. Trying his best to keep his mouth clothes, he mutters something and waddles off to the nearest water trough and falls in.

The party makes their way back to the Elder's hut to report back. They inform him of what they learned and showed him the prisoner they managed to knock out who was unconscious in a cart with a broken leg. Elder Uhso nodded to one of the guards with him, who then stabbed the unconscious prisoner shocking the party. The party presented Yinlak as a traveler who had become lost in the desert after trying to track down the group that attacked his village. Elder Uhso agreed to let him stay in Cinderwick and in return he would help repair the damage buildings in exchange for food and a roof. Turning to other business, Elder Uhso asked the party to go check in with Alchemist Dipi who had been bugging him to send someone to help her. While they were helping her, Elder Uhso would be trying to secure a ship for the group.

The party makes their way down to Alchemist Dipi's shop. As they enter the alchemist shop, their nostrils are hit with this awful stinging aroma that causes them to instinctively jerk their heads back. A Kobold, with her back to the door, is pouring different liquids into a pot in front of her. Over her shoulder she says, “Yes, yes, come in. Be with you in a moment.” She mutters to herself, “Maybe a little bit of this, and a sprig of sage, and some honey for taste.” She dips a spoon into the mixture and taste. She paused for a moment and then spits it out, “Garbage, no affect.” She picks up the pot and turns it upside down pouring the mixture down the drain in her sink. She turned her attention to the party, "Yes, how may I help you?" The party explains that Elder Uhso sent them to help with her problem. She explained that she keeps hearing strange noises coming from her pipes. She suspects the noises are coming from the sewer directly below her shop. At first, she thought it was just the sounds of construction, but by now the construction has moved on pass her shop. She says the noises are, unnerving and are a great distraction when she is trying to make elixirs. Azrak Bronzefoot braves the horrible smell of the sink and put his ear to the drain. Listening closely, he does hear the moaning sound that she was describing. It almost sounded like the familiar death moan that he was used to hearing, but it was a bit off and seemed to change slightly. The party agreed to investigate the sewers and Alchemist Dipi told them where they could find the entrance.

In the sewers, Vec Nightstar notices some torch light from around the corner. Moving in to investigate, he saw a set of double doors that were locked on the side of the walkway. He picked the locks on the door and pushed inside. Inside the room, he found various tools and what appeared to be old lunches and personal items. Znitch Bronzefoot tossed rocks into the sewers water below while Vec Nightstar investigated the room. Two globs of filth leapt out of the sewer water and onto the walkway. One land on Znitch Bronzefoot and then unleashed a wave of flith that Qeeq Blackfoot and Znitch Bronzefoot managed to dodge but poor Tingle Bitter Dagger. Completely caught off guard, Tingle Bitter Dagger was unable to get out of the way in time. The wave of sewer filth crashed down on him, coating him in a thick layer of awful smelling filth. The party made quick work of the two oozes.

Next session, we will pick up with the party defeating the two sewer oozes in the sewers under Cinderwick.

XP Awarded for this session, 160.

Missions/Quests Completed

Destroyed the rebel encampment responsible for the attack on Cinderwick.

Character(s) interacted with

Elder Uhso Bronzefoot
Yinlak Bronzefoot - Adolescent Kobold forced to join the rebels after his village was attacked
Alchemist Dipi Bronzefoot
Report Date
13 Jan 2021
Primary Location

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