Huk's Dagger Item in The Bold Kobolds | World Anvil
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Huk's Dagger

This dagger was the personal dagger of Chieftain Huk Bitter Dagger, the founder of The Bitter Dagger Clan. This is the dagger that was used to kill Chieftain Yiltzak Blackfoot, the founder of The Blackfoot Clan.

There are rumors that spread shortly after the killing, that the dagger is cursed. No one has attempted to wield the dagger since Huk Bitter Dagger died. The handle of the dagger has very strange markings etched into it, and the blade looks to be very worn and dull. There are a series of indentations in the blade of the dagger going from hilt up to the tip of the blade on both sides. It appears that maybe at one point there were gems laid into these indentations but have since fallen off due to poor care. The Bitter Daggers just want to get rid of the dagger. They see it now as the sole cause of the years of fighting and deaths.

Item Specifics:
Item type
Unique Artifact

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