Haki Swift Claw Character in The Bold Kobolds | World Anvil
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Haki Swift Claw

Chieftain Haki Swift Claw

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Haki Swift Claw took over as Chieftain of The Swift Claw Clan after Chieftain Snigs Swift Claw resigned from the position in year -60BU. 

He was born on year -94BU in Ishtaden and was the son of a blacksmith. Haki was very good around a forge and blacksmiths tools, but he wasn't a very good leader. It is somewhat of a mystery as to just how he had become Chieftain. When Snigs Swift Claw resigned, he had recommended someone else, but the elders chose Haki instead. Haki seemed to be quite shocked when he was chosen as well. He hadn't done anything to pursue the position, in fact, he really didn't even want it. During his time as Chieftain, The Swift Claw Clan really didn't make any advancements, nor did they experience any setbacks. Things stayed pretty much the same since Snigs Swift Claw resigned.

Haki found himself overwhelmed with the responsibilities of Chieftain. There was so much to try to keep track of. Food, infrastructure, supplies, the mines, and most of all managing people. He spent many sleepless nights just trying to figure it all out. Eventually, he came to the conclusion that he would just focus his efforts on just maintaining what was already there. Trying to make something new would require refocusing supplies and people and then having to find away to cover the supplies that were moved and replacing the people that were moved. Haki did a good job at just maintaining. He didn't come up with any wild ambitions and just focused his efforts on maintaining and keeping people happy.

As soon as there were mumblings of who would be the next Chieftain, Haki resigned. Losing the position of Chieftain felt like a huge weight was lifted from his shoulders. He spent the rest of his time working as a blacksmith and did not miss the position at all. He was much happier once he resigned and was able to focus on what he knew. When Ihsu Swift Claw took over after him, he was happy. Finally someone who knew how to lead, could lead the clan to greatness.


Blacksmith in Ishtaden
Honorary & Occupational Titles
94 BU 20 BU 74 years old
Green with Black Slits
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Bronze colored scales with a light grey underbelly
29 lbs
Aligned Organization

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