Umlotha Species in The Black Thorne Continent | World Anvil



Magically inclined. Which means high emphasizing and emotionally intelligent.  

Biologiocally Isolated

They can live their entire lives alone, but few, at least at a young age will choose to do so, older and very mature Umlotha will step out on their own.

This effect is both biological and cultural with many women finding those men who have gone out on that own extremely attractive.

But once together it is rare that Umlotha men and woman will ever consider themselves together. Most Umlotha cultures will differ most especially depending on the severity of conditions.


Umlotha, do not consider themselves to be isolated, but rather 'balanced' or 'good', goodness can have a very specific meaning, that generally is the code of honour, mostly assigned to men.
More open-minded sub-cultures will assign the title of 'good' to positions, such as a father, a leader or a warrior.

Umlotha Cities

Though many are alone, this does not mean they do not community or have cities. On the contrary, their cities, are some of the most durable are well-defenced locations in the entire Black Throne and thanks to their magical aptitude, there will often be a mage in their city defences.

They will never be inclined to build small and spacious. this does not mean they are afraid to live in human settlements, most Umlotha will have to, at some point in their lives. As they have to trade and make positive relations.


In terms of leadership, it is not common for there to be a long term Umlotha leaders. With none being charge for longer than the growth cycle of a child. Culturally those who are still in a village position will be looked down upon. To not have permanently moved on from one's resting place, with no child or deformity is no better than being a child you are weak, unable and will be unable to help build towards the bigger goal.

One of the main reasons they do not work as nomads and will not accept the title is that they will always put their goods and knowledge to the goal of helping their homes or helping their mothers.


The need to leave rarely spread to woman, with many women ending up as the entire village structure, a woman will lead politics, war, architecture, teaching and faith, it is extremely common for women to make up the entire tribe with men moving out and living adventurous lives.

Though the power structure is literally entirely female, it is extremely tough for Umlotha mothers as most Umlotha boys will feel the urge to escape as soon as they turn ten and it becomes dangerously severe by the time they are between 15 and 18.


This state is simply called 'restlessness' this is something where their reactions are extremely aggressive they become unable to listen, they are willing to hurt others, other children, their mothers and strangers.

This means that mothers who are not at all immune to a mother's love and will try to keep them as long as possible.

Fast Education

One reason for a mother to keep their child as long as possible is to train them. Umlotha, have great physical abilities the knowledge needed to survive in civilization must be taught to them by both parents, but the pressure must be on their mother. Cultures and ethnic groups are different but most, if not all will have a massive part of their traditions to best securing the responses of both the mother and the child along with the sisters and nieces. Cultures will be best used to mitigate to keep the culture alive.  

Women who travel

Women in the culture rarely move out but many cultures will be allowed to leave and be treated like a man would with full honours and beyond if they come back as them staying is expected whereas for men they are naturally expected to leave.

Basic Information


Their vocal cords have adapted to allow them the ability to exactly copy the vocals of almost any animal of any sound. With some trained vocals able to easily replicate real-life general sounds, such as a tree falling.

Biological Traits

They have no fur and grow hair as humans do. Their hair grows extremely quickly with them able to go from stubble to having a thick main on the same day, all of it depending on their diet, for the very learned, they can remove a hair and measure the general health of a Umlotha.
There is a biological effect of their hair which allows Umlotha to collect hair and use it as kindling to both start and fuel fires.

Their hair colours are generally grey or white, turning black with age.

Their physical strength is above average to a great degree. They also have stronger cold resistance over many races.

Civilization and Culture


They are a younger racial group, considered to come to awakening in the time of the great war, hiding to stay alive when the great purges started.

They stood out tallest in the age of Warlords, sending their young to become wizards defend their lands.
Within the age of warlords, their actual prowess made them extremely useful within the human wats, they were the solid wall, entire armies could decimate legions for the entire battle, creating a solid wall, it is due to their they were gifted the permanent control of two territories.

Things have changed over the centuries and they have become quite passive and move through the lands without the histories of mass murder.

Conservation Status
The numbers of the Umlotha are small but they are not endangered per se'. In the Black Thorne, they’re considered to be a "rare Type" as in for it is rare to see unless wanted to be seen. They consist of small tribal groups which move on their own within a petrified forest. They are isolationists, they have relationships with supporting groups who find use from their incredible hunting abilities. Trade relationships are their main means of survival.


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