Tommy Breaker, Lance Corporal Profession in The Black Thorne Continent | World Anvil

Tommy Breaker, Lance Corporal



  • Requires Recruitment office training.
  • Time as a Private.
  • Time as a Lieutenant.
  • Horse training   This is one of the last positions many Privates can ever hope to reach. It is rare for many Tommy Breaker Privates to grow past.
  • Career Progression

    Tommy Breaker Corporals are the next step from Corporal, which is the position with which the cities and neighborhoods are best held.  
    1. Tommy Breaker, Captain
    2. Tommy Breaker, Major
    3. Tommy Breaker, General
      There's the side groupings of special ranks but these are exclusive to those who prove themselves and are pulled into the grouping by specialists who run those separate organisations.  
  • Tommy Breaker. Field Marshal
  • Payment & Reimbursement

    They are paid into the banks with special accounts that are made for them.

    Other Benefits

    One of the biggest benefits is the reality that Lance Corporals have the direct ear of the royal line as the royal line directly has control over the city of Nyanga. Lance Corporals also have the rank of Corporal within the military, both in military policing and military warfare within the military.



    The purpose of the Lance Corporal is to be the connection between ground level and strategizing.

    Social Status

    These are a mixed status roles. It is an extreme points of pride to have lance Corporals come into their stores.
    Whereas things are different in the eyes of the other Tommy Breakers. Most Tommy Breakers do have a level of fear and respect for them, but they are also weary of them.


    The birth of the position actually came from a conflict between privates and majors and captains.



  • They have a custom made shields. Each of them, engraved with their names or their family crest.
  • They are given a dress sword.
  • They are given a special grade sword.
  • Dress helmet.
  • Workplace

    Each building will have offices especially made for a single lance Corporal. It's not uncommon for a Lance Corporal hit the ground but they are never required to work the street.
    There's increased demand by both Tommy Breaker privates and the Officers.
    Ranks & Titles


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