The Traveler's Noble Organization in The Black Thorne Continent | World Anvil

The Traveler's Noble

A special series of tests and work programs which enable nobles to get the 'life' experience.

The setup id that of a paid team of extremely well versed and talented workers, mercenaries, soldiers, commanders ranging from low-level training instructors to retired generals are paid to train; speaking well and selling journals to the school. This creates a highly valuable to the Nobles of the land.

This is an extremely high entrance price to be a part of the service, which lasts six months to two years. It's hard to fail out of the program, as an amazing amount of effort is put into instilling fair knowledge into the community.

Neutral ground, this is always the rule. There must be neutral treatment even the Qengeba Tribee are sworn to fairness, paying dues like any other family or clan.

The doors have been opened to allow others the chance to participate, but the price hammers down on the notion of just 'anyone' participating. The merchants participate along with the clans.

Educational, School/Academy


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