The Sefefo People Species in The Black Thorne Continent | World Anvil

The Sefefo People

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Sefefo have pure white hair which grow longer and straighter than human hair. It’s literally lighter than most, able to be kicked up with the slightest of breezes.

Sefefo eyes are generally pure white with tiny pupils. They have superior night vision showing glowing silver irises. Men's glowing twice as bright.

Their skin is white with green or navy-blue patches, focused on the back, the neck, shoulder blades, thigh and calves. These are designed to camouflage to their icy surroundings.

They have strong resistance to cold but struggle in severe heat.

The Sefefo have resistance to essentially all cold-related natural disasters. Able to hold in cold snaps, with ice literally forming on their bodies. The liquid produced on their saliva, brains and eyes are a unique chemical which is impossible to freeze. The liquid is produced naturally but needs water salt and amino acids or as an alternative citrus acid to refill naturally, it's not uncommon to see them eating great deals of oranges, nartjies or fruits in the warmer mainland.


They have naturally strong bodies and especially their back and shoulders, allowing them to also pull entire icebergs when working in large groups.

They have a natural ability to center themselves to the ground, digging their heels into the earth with enough force to make them a nightmare to push over or trip.

Sefefo women are bigger and taller than their male counterparts but the men still tend to lead scavenges and hunts.

Ecology and Habitats

They live in one hurricane region where there's a great amount of destruction due to great storms.

  This is one of the coldest regions in the Black Thorne.

  They generally loot what they win, moving it back to their icebergs.

  Sefefo live on massive islands of ice, building them up into large homes.

Civilization and Culture

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Sefefo women are the caregivers and leaders of their tribes, they take control through covenants, large groups of women, mostly mothers with a head elder to manage cohesion.

Sefefo women are considered mothers but are in actual fact more physically imposing. This is considered best as it means children have an imposing figure to protect and watch over them.

Women are the community leaders, priestesses and speakers, but are not, generally considered to be scholars and as adults are schooled by men, the sharpest women groomed into a leadership position.

Men's duties consist of building and maintenance. The men will clean, fix and design, following pre-planned strategies managed and controlled by women leaders once assigned by their leadership.

The number one duty of men is to step ahead and hunt, coming back with the best information and food resources; processing the result for those to decide upon.
This can mean a great many, things, from new ways of cooking, seeds, to the children the men have made and taken home to be raised by them.

Polygamy is a common thing for Sefefo people the reason is generally for resources. Love is a part of Sefefo culture, but they find love in many things. There's love in brotherly affection, there's love in pride, even duty. The point is finding, and breaking love is amazingly easy, because of that marriage is extremely common and is rarely anything more than a powerful phase.

Child rearing is a two parted affair, starting with Sefefo mothers, working together to raise children. They feed, teach and support. And because mothers put their children together as often as possible, they spend time with each other so the urge to fall in love is diluted. Integrating as much as possible is vital because sexually clinging to another mother, another child or their own child is a real threat. Incest and mother love are things that often happen. So, an isolated Sefefo is a taboo along with mating or marrying your own children either as children or adults.

Sefefo people consummate marriages with rings either worn on their fingers or ears. This is generally to show the people who have left a mark on their lives, they tend to be silver, but gold is appreciated. Diamonds and gems are added afterwards, never in the heat of the moment as the moment is everything.

Engravings , gems, refurbishment, and such are reflective; one looks back and is reminded of the truly memorable people. The more diamonds, the more wealth one possesses. The reason for the young to have this is because it was willed to them after death. Others will be buried with their owner. These can be considered a beacon or signal to find their loved ones in the 'limitless'. The endless black of the universe most Sefefo believe in as their core religion.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Trade And Relations

Ice and delicacies.

Delicacies are mostly rare fish and what can be found on an iceberg. Icebergs can be controlled and mined with multiple tools they've made. There's a pulley system which is especially renowned for moving an entire Iceberg.

  There are multiple reasons for travelling with Icebergs. Transportation of perishables and the dead. This alone is worth hundreds in gold.

Transportation of Ice and breaking it apart is big business. These are towed and are the only way to get ice to places such as the Amanzini water park, a water paradise. This earns hundreds of thousands in gold. It can set a family for life with multiple businesses forming around viable hunting points. Finding a viable Iceberg is a cause for excitement to the point where one holds the Iceberg first, declares it his and then a crew is created.

Afterward construction begins. Construction of the unique tools, which is then used in order to make the Iceberg move.

Iceberg farming is a lucrative business but requires land ownership. There's a great deal of pride in hiring an ice wizard as they can help in aspects except creating, as it’s considered of less value and of lower taste when ice is made by a wizard as the components manipulated are not considered natural.

They’re able to maintain their own crafts but have limited value, none more so than their metal work as conditions are rarely right but their woodwork is legendary, so are their engraving skills. They, despite having a bloody history with the Black Air Raiders are often commissioned by them to create, the wooden currency the Black Air Raider children have to use as they are religiously not allowed to touch metal as children.

80 years
Average Height
  • They fall under the group of medium to tall going from 1.5 to 2.2 meters. Men, 1.4 to 1,8 meters

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