The Fimbili Species in The Black Thorne Continent | World Anvil

The Fimbili

All Fimbili could climb, but on his wrists and ankles were hooked nails tied to leather that kept him rooted and silent as each of them made the shift from being on the stem to hanging upside down underneath the branch the guards stood on.
Lein was the first to find a target and root himself right below him. The others were slower, with one still making the cross over. The guard right above him, his target turned his head and caught sight of the straggler. His own personal target guard dropped to one knee, pulling his bow up and aimed, his moments so fluid, quick and pristine, he was a blur of activity.
There, in Fimbili culture, was a game the Fimbili boys played with each other to test one's own climbing ability and stealth while testing their ability to listen and take in their surroundings. It was called the ‘Sling and Pull’. A game which did exactly that.
One would sneak under or behind an opponent and sling a rope at the opponent's ankle and pull hard. With the Fimbili's natural ability to lift many times their own body weight the opponent would be launched off a branch and hang by the rope until pulled up. That was exactly what Lein did, only he let go. Lein didn't bother letting the target’s scream turn his attention away from finding the next.
The attack was on, the element of surprise, quite literally, thrown away but he was not the only one to play the newly fatal game of Sling and Pull. Maru and one other succeeded with it while the others shot arrows at stunned guards.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

They can produce many children with some full families producing as many as 25 children per family but that number is generally considered unique as a female Fimbili has to literally 'will' and time that many children to be created as they have an unique control over their own reproductive organs. Pregnancy is a painful procedure, unlike humans, is not something that is something a Fimbili knows and remembers.   Though there is what some consider a shortcut. And that is their ability to have up to 4 children at the same time. Though this can be devastatingly hard.

Ecology and Habitats

Their absolute be environments are the forest, forests with some of the largest trees in the Black Thorne, otherwise known as forever Trees. These are trees that reach an almost holy realm for them.

Biological Cycle

Their skin is designed to match the forests and woods they surround and even though they do not have camouflage abilities their skin can change and darken or lighten according years spend to a certain type of tree, allowing them to, slightly, adapt to their new homes.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Their Social structure is very much linked to the hierarchy base in which people at the top are the ruler of those below.
  This only changes at one point. And that is within the trees in which no one person rules over another. But rather the Fimbili people work with each other, they have their culture, those cultures have their rules which are enough to allow them to live freely.

Average Intelligence

Their intelligence is average and as a group their intelligence tends to stay the same, with only the smartest or best adapted person to a thought taking lead on that thought, either until the thought is completed.
Most are not ambitious in their thoughts, at all, in truth but there are many who want that mantle of wisdom to lead, which is always there to take as most Fimibili are culturally open. This has, naturally caused complications.   With one leader catching a taste of freely given power and then meeting up with another leader, unwilling to give up power. This has led to incredible violence and millions of deaths.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

These are a people with what could be considered super strength as they can lift many times their own weight, but considering they are a meter at their tallest and very light, it is actually not that strong but strong enough to make a difference when they are in large numbers.
  They also posses the ability to see at night, with their eyes literally able to absorb light and reflect it outwards like a torch lighting up things even further away.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

In a way, these are species that have a symbiotic relationships with the trees they reside in, they defend them, clear the roots. Tend to the soil, culling over expansion and going as far and clear burning the trees that die. Which is a cultural event on its own.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

There is a strong unbreakable tradition for all fimbili and that is you take the name of the tree you make your home.   That means if you marry and move to another tree irrespective of sex, you must take the name of that tree.

Gender Ideals

They're a hunter-forager type species, which generally means that the men hunt while the women forage.
Even though hunting missions possess danger, the foraging missions possess danger of their own as the foraging mission is a long distance mission, sometimes being so far that they take days but bring in a long haul.

Relationship Ideals

The relationship ideal is marrying and having a full family that strengthens the tree and makes it their home until their children grow their families.   But there's a natural need for families to expand once a tree becomes full enough and there is a feeling of too many hands supporting a single tree.
40 years
Average Height
1 meter
Average Weight
20kg, super thin
Average Physique
They are incredibly thin and wiry, possessing an almost unnatural bone density and muscle strength which allows them to carry many times their own weight.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin tones tend to vary from types of forests to different types of forests around.


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