Lihlathi Species in The Black Thorne Continent | World Anvil



The Lihlathi are the most common, largest of the racial class with the largest muscular builds of the four subraces. Their strength is more general, with them able to carry twice their body weight.



The power of their chalk is strong enough to allow, over time, fertilize soil to create trees. Effective enough to have some species of plant to actively grow right before one’s eyes.

They have a natural aptitude for great heights, able to live easily in high altitudes.


Social Structure

  They generally live in large tribes of Lihlathi sharing extremely close spaces making knowing each other extremely common.

They can live as many as ten children to a room, and multiple families to a house.

The social hierarchies are more complicated as the interconnectivity does not exempt their unique thoughts, actions and in her personal conflicts, even war.

Their cultures vary deeply but in general, there will follow a law of ownership. Those that are in possession are those who rule. Whether it be a territory, a kingdom, a tribe or a household, the owner will rule over it. They mark ownership of a point, this can be done through money or death, ie inheritance. It is uncommon for a landowner, or those in possession will pass it on to anyone of different blood.

This power is greater than that of a parent to a child with them, ruling their homes with impunity. This doesn’t make them immune to the consequences of bad leadership. Bad leadership has produced starvation and desperation leading to departures, people leaving their homes to be a part of other units or going as afar as leading a revolt against higher leadership will, most often settle from within, be it a new ownership or a cleansing of the home.


Villages in the Trees

They’re creatures are set high above the trees, this is created through rope, the complex binding of thousands of cables to creates walkways and eventually a society above the ground, these networks form like a wasps nest, taking a chunk of a trees stem but never outdoing the tree or cheating a trees leaves of its sunlight, each tree will have thousands upon thousands of cars which will grow edible plant life, which is planted across the cords to produce vine like foods with corns which are a common staple for their race, able to fully system them.


Basic Information

Biological Traits

Their natural instinct creates a need to seek out high points, this has produced a side effect of needing to climb up high, such as buildings and mountains.

This can be an issue for any Lihlathi in unnatural ground as their children who are less able to control the urge will climb anything separating them from their parents and putting them at risk.

Ecology and Habitats

Their homes are best associated with dense and massive forest.

Their best habitat is amongst the tallest of the trees.

Average Height
They’re tall types, ranging from 2.0m to 3.0m.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

Skin Tones

Their skin is never fully the same across their species, never fully matching the greens of the forest their families have been living in. Like the Sefefo their skin is broken by patches which give a camouflaging affect.

Their children will generally have the exact same patches as their parents, but not their grandparents, most especially if they migrate. The change of location creating change to their pattern / colour.


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