War of Eethill Military Conflict in The Barren (New) | World Anvil
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War of Eethill

The War of Eethill was a conflict between Urmany and the other country's on the western coast of Great Eethill, Urmany's enemies being supplied and supported by allies on the east coast.

The Conflict


Peter Obenslauter was a military officer of the Urman Army. Utilizing a secretive cult, Peter climbed the ranks of the military, and then into political power, eventually landing him into the position of King. This got the attention of Peter's son Isac Obenslauter, an adventurer who decided to return to Urmany to confront his father. Peter announces the death of Isac's mother, Clara Obenslauter, and uses the grief to trick Isac into retrieving the Pheonix Eye, an item that could resurrect her. With the eye, Peter begins to kill and resurrect military members, putting them under his complete control with the eye's secondary power. Eventually, his magical control reaches across all of Urmany. Peter begins to mobilize troops to the border of the Broken Coast. In fear that Peter was going to spread his control, several nations declare war on Urmany and helped Isac liberate it.


The weakened Urmany was easy for its neighbors to manipulate, the Broken Coast in particular forced Urmany into creating several legal restraints when it came to its military. The Requian Empire also convinced Urmany into making an official trade route between the two forces.   With Isac too young to take the throne, command over the country was temporarily given to the country's advisors which in part made it easy for these deals to go through and difficult for the country to rebuild.


The military restraints forced on the country leaned heavily on ground forces, giving Urmany the opportunity to focus on its naval developments, especially since they were going to be creating a trade route to the south coast. With said trade route and the chocolate business created by (at this point) King Isac, Urmany's economy increased considerably, finally allowing Urmany to recover from the war.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
1st of Late-Spring, 99 A.G.
Ending Date
2nd of Mid-Summer, 99 A.G.
Conflict Result
King Peter is imprisoned and the Pheonix Eye is destroyed, freeing the people of Urmany



Led by

West Alliance

Led by


Urmany is known for its powerful infantry consisting of soldiers trained since childhood, as well as a faction of Weretigers that make up a powerful frontline. At the time of the conflict, Urmany was 13,000 strong.
Isac was given ships and sailors from the Requian Empire, a small fleet of Airships from Aekminur, and troops from both Hagsfield and the Broken Coast.


7,000 were killed, 4,000 were heavily injured and couldn't continue fighting, and the rest were captured by enemy units.
Several Airships were destroyed by a white dragon under King Peter's control, including the S.S. Dick, the ship belonging to Fate's Bane.


To protect Urmany's cities and place enemy troops under King Peter's control.
To liberate Urmany from King Peter's control and to protect neighboring territories.


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